Unable to Locate Student Checklist

Unable to Locate Student Checklist

The Unable to Locate Student Checklist (Forms) are used to locate students who are not attending school. The Attendance Team in your building will work together to locate students that are actively enrolled in your building but are not attending school.  All attempts to locate the student MUST be recorded on the Student's PLP log AND the Checklist. 

 This document can be used as documentation for a student withdrawal after it is completed.  The Building Principal must sign the Unable to Locate Student Checklist indicating the student is not attending school and should be withdrawn. 

 A copy of this form can be found here.

After the student is withdrawn, the checklist will be uploaded to the student's documents tab.  When completing the Unable to locate interventions, if contact is made with the Guardian, the Unable to Locate Checklist is null and void and cannot be used to process a withdraw.


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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management