Attendance Rosters

Attendance Rosters

All teachers are required to enter attendance electronically in Infinite Campus.  However, a paper generated roster may be used to record attendance for the following reasons:

  • Daily substitute teachers

  • Teachers without access to a computer at the time attendance is required

  • The student information system cannot be accessed due to power, network, or system outages (Infinite Campus is down). 

All teachers are to have a paper roster in the classroom in the event of such exceptions. Handwritten and verbal rosters will not be accepted. File all paper rosters in the Daily Attendance File.

A Sub Attendance Roster Report can be printed for attendance collection by substitute teachers or teachers with no access to electronic attendance. The Sub Attendance Roster Report can only be generated for one day.  However, it can be generated for a range of periods, for specific teachers.

This report can be utilized for recording attendance for a class when a teacher is unable to enter attendance electronically. When this report is turned in, enter the attendance into Infinite Campus using the Classroom Monitor.

This report can be found by clicking: Main Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster Report.  

attend roster.jpg

There are two other reports that are also permissible to use for attendance collection.

  • Attendance Register by Period Report

    • PATH: Main Menu > Attendance Office > CCS Attendance Reports > Attendance Register by Period

    • The Attendance Register by Period rosters can be generated for specific periods of the school day.  It can also be generated for all periods for a specific teacher. 

  •  Course Section Attendance Register Report (Register Report)

    • PATH: Main Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Attendance Register > Select Course Section Attendance Register

      • If the attendance roster is being generated for every teacher for every period, generate the Register report.  If students have attendance events entered in Infinite Campus, they will display on the report. This report has two options:

        • Student Daily Attendance – This report shows Whole Day and Half Day attendance based on the number of minutes defined in the grade or calendar and displays the result each day for each student.

        • Course Section Attendance Register –This report prints student attendance records by course-section, 1 page per section. Each student reports total periods Present, Tardy, Absent Unexcused, Absent Excused, and Off Roll.

To generate a Sub Attendance Roster Report:

  1. Follow the path to find the report. Main Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster Report. 

  1. Select the Effective Date – the date attendance will be taken for.

  1. Select the Teacher. (For substitute teachers, select the teacher they are subbing for.)

  1. Leave the course selection at ‘All Courses’ unless searching for a specific course.

  1. Select any additional options. (Not required)

  1. Click ‘Generate Report’.

When taking attendance on these reports it is preferred that the teacher or substitute teacher use the following marks when recording attendance:

·      A-Absent

·      T-Tardy

It is recommended that the register/roster have the teachers’ signature and the date on the bottom for optimal data verification.   The Sub Attendance Roster has a signature space already printed on the bottom. 

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management