What's New

What's New

This section will list changes to Infinite Campus as we apply new releases, bug fixes, and implement new features.

The Student Miscellaneous screen has been changed to read-only. The information stored here will be maintained by automatically pulling in data from Online Registration (OLR) and from forms included in the Guide to Student Success published each school year.

In addition to the read-only status, we have removed several fields and added two new ones. These can been seen in the screenshots below.


NEW Elementary Report Card

We are happy to announce that the new Elementary Report card is here and ready for printing & distribution.  We appreciate your patience while we partnered with Infinite Campus to develop, test, and now deliver this improved report card. 

 General Information and Report Card Features

*NEW* Elementary Report Card


Elementary Report Card - Scoring

Printing Elementary Report Card - Teachers (Instruction)

Printing report cards in batch (Administrators, Secretaries):

Print Custom ES Report Cards - Batch

 Adding a custom message for your school (Administrators): 

Adding Custom School Message

Troubleshooting / known issues: 

Custom ES Report Card - Teacher Name is Blank

  • Administrator cannot run the report for all students - See note in YELLOW  on this page: 

Print Custom ES Report Cards - Batch

  • Selecting a single student to print still prints all students - See note in RED  on this page: 

Print Custom ES Report Cards - Batch


Per Academic Services:

Canvas is the district's adopted Learning Management System (LMS).

(warning) Please note that Google Classroom and other LMS platforms are not supported by district staff, meaning we cannot provide troubleshooting, technical support, or professional learning for these platforms.

Additionally, due to our district's license tier, Google has announced that the Infinite Campus Grade Export feature with Google Classroom is no longer available.

While Google Suite (Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, etc.) remains available, it is strongly recommended to utilize Canvas to access district curriculum and digital resources, manage online classes, and access information and materials for district professional development sessions.

Fall User Group Recordings

The link above is for the Live From the Mothership recordings from the Fall User Groups. The time/topics are broken down below so you can listen to what part(s) are of interest.  

Michigan & Utah User Group

  • Campus Payments: start – 7:30

  • Scheduling: 7:30 – 15:00

  • Hall Pass (add-on to Workflow Suite): 15:30 – 28:35

  • Security: 28:40 – end

Oklahoma User Group

  • Re-submissions and upcoming Campus Learning enhancements: start – 7:20

  • Scheduling: 7:20 – 17:30

  • Passport/YES: 17:30 – 29:30

  • Cross-district enrollment: 29:30 - end

Ohio User Group

  • Assessments: start – 19:30 (you won’t be able to hear anything from this part)

  • Scheduling: 19:30 to 30:00

  • User Account Workflow: 30:00 – 40:35

  • Support: 40:35 - end

Grade entry dates for the 2023-24 school year have been finalized and can be found at this link: 2023-2024 School Year

Monday, September 18, 2023, The Attendance HB410 truancy rules labeled “Past Due” will be moved to Severity 1 (Critical) on the daily scorecard. Each rule has a counterpart without the word Past Due in the title; these will remain a Severity 5 (Notification/Review).

Severity 1 - ATT 130-0290 - HB410 Excessively Absent Students MUST HAVE an Absence Notification Letter (PAST DUE).

Severity 5 - ATT 130-0190 - HB410 Excessively Absent Students MUST HAVE an Absence Notification Letter

  • Violations will move to (Past Due) when no HB410.1 Parent Notification Letter is located on the Attendance Contact log within 7 days of the excessive absence qualification date.

  • Violations are resolved when the HB410.1 Parent Notification Letter is located on the Attendance Contact Log.

  • How to create Attendance Truancy Letters

Severity 1 - ATT 130-0291 - HB410 Habitually Truant MUST HAVE Parent Invitation Letter (PAST DUE).

Severity 5 - ATT 130-0191 - HB410 Habitually Truant MUST HAVE Parent Invitation Letter .

  • Violations will move to (Past Due) when no HB410.2 Parent Meeting Letter is located on the Attendance log within 7 days of the habitually truant qualification date.

  • Violations are resolved when the HB410.2 Parent Meeting Letter is located on the Attendance Contact Log.

  • How to create Attendance Truancy Letters

Severity 1 - ATT 130-0292 - HB410 Habitually Truant MUST HAVE an Absence Intervention Team (PAST DUE).

 Severity 5 - ATT 130-0192 - HB410 Habitually Truant MUST HAVE an Absence Intervention Team

Severity 1 - ATT 130-0293 - HB410 Habitually Truant MUST HAVE Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP) PAST DUE.

 Severity 5 -  ATT 130-0293 - HB410 Habitually Truant MUST HAVE Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP)

  • Violations will appear when the student has no Attendance Plan on PLP Document for the current school year OR the start and end dates of the Attendance Plan do not align with the current truancy qualification date.

  • How to Create Attendance Intervention Team and Plan



Some users may receive this error message when Logging In. The issue is not with your Infinite Campus tool and/or Calendar rights. The issue with with your browser or device. Infinite Campus is aware of this bug and we’ll hopefully have a fix soon. There are a couple work arounds we can try. See below.

There are a couple things you can try :

  1. Clear your Browser Cache - (Click here for instructions)

  2. Sign out Everywhere (Click here for instructions)

On Monday July 24th, Infinite Campus will begin using Single Sign On (SSO) for authenticating to Infinite Campus. SSO is an easier and more secure way of logging in. Here are the some steps to assist with your first login. After this, initial login, you’ll simply need to click on the Staff Login to authenticate.

When you’ve reached the Infinite Campus login screen, you will click on Staff Login - Click Here button

⚠️ You will no longer use the Username - Password fields⚠️

You may be prompted with this screen first - great! You’re already logged in to your CCS account, simply click on your e-mail address to continue into Infinite Campus

If you’re not already logged into your CCS account, you’ll be prompted to enter your CCS e-mail address and password.

User Security Message
  • Some of you may have received a message when logging in to Infinite Campus, requiring you to set an account security email:

If you are prompted with this message, please enter your CCS email address in the first two boxes, and your existing Infinite Campus password in the last box. This will allow you to log in and you should not be prompted again. 

Please Do NOT use your personal email.

  • If you also received an email from Infinite Campus Account Security Email like the one shown below, we want to let you know that this is a legit email and it is okay to click the link on it.

  • If you have already used your personal email and it did not let you log in, Please clear your browsing history and here’s the link to how to do it- Clear Browser Cache . Re-open and again try logging into Infinite Campus.

If you still need support please contact Your Support Team .

In response to the feedback on the New Look, Infinite Campus has added the following features:

  • Record searches in a single left panel.

  • Related tools may be accessed with a single-click from a right side panel.

  • Advanced searching for households and addresses.

  • Counselor name and other student info are available at a glance from the title bar or a contact card pop-up (Campus.2219)

If you have not looked at the New Look in a while, we invite you to take another look. For more information, please visit https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/try-the-new-look-of-campus .

As Infinite Campus continues to improve their product by updating screens throughout the product, it is important to understand that they are making their platform more user-friendly for smaller devices like phones and tablets. With these enhancements, screens will collapse as they get smaller so that you can still navigate them on these devices. When you are on a computer with a large screen however, it may look like some items ‘disappear’ if your screen defaults to a smaller window. See the short video below for an example and how to correct this.

Viewing all columns.mp4

Campus Passport now has on-demand training content utilizing the new navigation/user interface! Learn from Infinite Campus training experts on how to utilize available tools in short, simple, video-based lessons. These learning plans are built specifically for Behavior Administrators, Counselors, Front Office/Secretaries, Nurses, Principals, System Administrators, and Teachers.

Everyone in the district can access these courses at any time. Simply sign in to your Infinite Campus Account, navigate to the Community, and then use the link below to view any of the individual courses or learning plans to begin your journey.

Step 1

Launch Campus Community

  • Do you need Campus Community login? Directions to create your free account can be found here.

Step 2

Open Campus Passport

  • Directions on accessing Campus Passport can be found here.

Step 3

Enroll in Sessions

  • Columbus City School District is registered for YES a Yearly Event Series. When you have opened Campus Passport you will find Instructional Videos and Calendar of Events for both Campus Passport and YES.

  • The First YES Event “Let”s Get Started” is open for registration. Sessions will be held July, 27 & August 10, August 24. Sessions are conveniently offered on multiple dates and times. Check out the Session Grid for a time that works for you.

Existing Campus Passport on-demand courses utilizing the classic navigation/user interface will remain available through July 1, 2023, but content will no longer be updated.

We have a rescheduled date to replace our Infinite Campus hardware on . Starting at 3pm on this day, Infinite Campus will be down for the remainder of the day. Please make sure to save your work and log out of Infinite Campus before this time. An email will be sent to all users when the system is back online.


YEP Important Dates - 2022

Throughout the summer, the Infinite Campus Support Team will be completing important tasks to close out the 2020-2021 school year.  During this Year-End Processing (YEP), there are some important dates to remember.  A list of these dates can be found on the Infinite Campus Dashboard here:

2022 YEP Important Dates

How to Post to Transcript

Our documentation for Post to Transcript has been updated, with specific instructions on how your can check Final Grades and Post for graduating seniors prior to posting for all students.

Contact Log -Enhancement

This weekend we are updating the version of Infinite Campus to release 2219.1. 

The Contact Type column now displays on the list screen and the records can be filtered by Contact Type.

The Contact Log Detail side panel has increased in size for more work space. We have added the screenshots for the changes made.

This weekend we’re updating the version of Infinite Campus to release 2203. This will include a new Contact Log tool has been added to Student Information > General, to act as a centralized hub for all other Contact Log records available.

You will be able to see the modules (that you have tool rights for) in one location.

All Contact Log tools have been given a new interface that allows for easier entry of contact log records.

We have requested some design changes to the new look that will hopefully be available in future release:

  • A wider contact type field to fit the length of at least 30 characters.

  • Include the contact type on the centralized contact log filter.

Right now the in-progress grade is displayed in the portal. The posted grades has been disabled until the grading window officially closes. If you have students who are unable to see their final grade, it’s because you’ve posted your grades successfully, but they are currently disabled from view. Posted grades will be visible in the portal on . Below is the grade entry calendar for reference.

Calendars, Planners and Contacts

2021 - National Training Week

Infinite Campus and its partner organizations will be holding the second annual virtual National Training Week. This professional development opportunity includes world class training sessions on a variety of topics and opportunities to network with districts near and far. Training will take place November 15-19, 2021. Session times are mostly 50 minutes each, starting at 8:00am and ending about 7:00pm. Any district employee is welcome to attend. More information, including session topics and times, can be found here: Infinite Campus National Training Week 2021

In Campus.2128, the user toggle for the new Control Center has gone away.  As a result, all teachers will default to using the new Control Center when their user Homepage is set to Campus Instruction. 

A new video for the Control Center in Campus Instruction can be found here:

YEP Important Dates 2021

Throughout the summer, the Infinite Campus Support Team will be completing important tasks to close out the 2020-2021 school year.  During this Year-End Processing (YEP), there are some important dates to remember.  A list of these dates can be found on the Infinite Campus Dashboard here:

2021 YEP Important Dates

Teacher Updates

In Campus.2128, which is anticipated to be released on the user toggle for the new Control Center will go away.  As a result, all teachers will default to using the new Control Center when their user Homepage is set to Campus Instruction.

To help teachers with this update, Infinite Campus Training will be offering free beginning of the year training during the week of August 2-6, 2021.  There will also be additional recorded content featuring the new Control Center and other instruction changes available mid-July for early start schools.

For an overview of the new Control Center, which was released in January with Campus.2104, please check out the following video. https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/control-center-video .  Please note that when Campus.2128 is released, this video will be updated to remove the portion about the toggle as this will no longer be available.

Mailing Labels Error

There appears to be a bug with the latest release of Infinite Campus. We have submitted the error to Infinite Campus and it is currently being addressed in SIS-145549. Hopefully we have a fix or work around soon.

Two new reports have been created that show the following fields:

  • Course,Section, Course Name, Teacher, Room, Period & number of students

There is one report for Cohort A and one for Cohort B. More details on the Dashboard here:

Blended Learning Cohort Reports

This weekend we are updating to the latest release of Infinite Campus, which includes changes to the Control Center and Assignment Editor. Below is a quick-reference video (3 minutes) that highlights these changes. The goal at Infinite Campus is to try to eliminate the amount of clicks needed to access Attendance, Assignments, Discussions and the new Questions feature.


Here is some additional documentation and training available:

Side By Side - Quick Reference Guide

Detailed Training Video (20 minutes)

Teachers on Campus - Control Center

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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management