Teacher Updates
In Campus.2128, which is anticipated to be released on Jul 6, 2021 the user toggle for the new Control Center will go away. As a result, all teachers will default to using the new Control Center when their user Homepage is set to Campus Instruction.
To help teachers with this update, Infinite Campus Training will be offering free beginning of the year training during the week of August 2-6, 2021. There will also be additional recorded content featuring the new Control Center and other instruction changes available mid-July for early start schools.
For an overview of the new Control Center, which was released in January with Campus.2104, please check out the following video. https://kb.infinitecampus.com/help/control-center-video . Please note that when Campus.2128 is released, this video will be updated to remove the portion about the toggle as this will no longer be available.
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