3GRG Overview

3GRG Overview

Importance of K-3 Literacy

Reading is the foundation for all learning. That is why it is critical to find and address reading issues for a student as early as possible. The K-3 Literacy Improvement measure reports how well schools are helping improve the reading ability of young students who are reading below grade level. 

The measure and component relate to Ohio’s Third Grade Reading Guarantee (3GRG), which aims to ensure that all students are reading at grade level by the end of third-grade. The guarantee drives attention to students from Kindergarten to third grade who are struggling readers and makes sure they get the help they need to succeed in reading. Through this initiative, schools diagnose reading issues, create individualized Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans (RIMPs) and provide intensive reading interventions.



Action Items for Teachers

The items below are tasks for teachers to complete within Infinite Campus as part of 3GRG



Parent Notification Letter

Notify parents of students who are being placed on a RIMP

Instructions: Create Parent Notification Letter


Create and maintain a plan.

Instructions: Creating a RIMP

Intervention Flag

Interventions are added to the RIMP itself (at least one is required). Once added, a nightly script runs in the database to add a flag to the student. No additional action is required by the teacher to add the flag.

3GRG State Requirements

In the fall, all students Kindergarten - 3rd grade, are required to take a reading diagnostic assessment to determine if they are on track or not on track to read on grade level by the end of 3rd grade.

Kindergarten students are given the KRA-R assessment. This assessment is used to assess four areas of early learning:

  • Social Foundations- including social and emotional development, and approaches toward learning

  • Mathematics 

  • Language and Literacy 

  • Physical Well-being and Motor Development

The administration window for all four domains of the Kindergarten Reading Assessment Revised must be administered no earlier than the first day of July of the school year and no later than the twentieth day of instruction of that school year. 

The KRA-R Language and Literacy Domain is used to determine if a RIMP (Reading Improvement Monitoring Plan) is needed or not. Therefore, if a student scores BELOW a 263 on the KRA-R’s Language and Literacy domain - the student is required to have a RIMP.

The Ready for Kindergarten Online (KReady) system will open on July 1 and remain open through November 1st. This is also the deadline is only for for teachers to enter data in the Ready for Kindergarten Online (KReady) system.

  • Kindergarten students are also administered the i-Ready Diagnostic to establish their learning path way for the year. This assessment must be completed by September 30th.

  • New students received after Nov. 1st will use i-Ready as their ODE Reading Diagnostic Assessment. This must be administered within 30 days of their enrollment.

  • Retained Kindergarten students and 1st-3rd grade students are given the i-Ready to determine if they are on track. This assessment should be completed by September 30th.

3rd Grade Mid Year RIMP Creation

  • Third grade students that did not obtain a scaled score of 700 and a 50 reading subscale score on the ELA Ohio’s State Test are also required to have a RIMP.

For each student who is not on track, schools must:

  • Administer any necessary informal or formal diagnostic assessment to determine the needs of the student

  • Immediately provide reading instruction and intervention using research based reading strategies that have been shown to be successful in improving reading among low-performing readers and are targeted at the student’s identified reading deficiency

  • Create a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMP), within 60 calendar days of when the student was designated not on track.  

A plan must include:

  • Identification of the student’s specific reading deficiency

  • A description of proposed supplemental instruction services that will target the student’s identified reading deficiencies

  • Opportunities for the student’s parents or guardians to be involved in creating the plan and in the instructional supports provided

  • A process to monitor the implementation of the student’s instructional services

  • A reading curriculum during regular school hours that assists students to read at grade level and provides for reliable tests and ongoing analysis of each student’s reading progress

Important Points to Remember

  • Students in grade K-3 are required to be given a reading diagnostic test by September 30th or within 30 days of their enrollment if they transfer from another district. 

  •  Note* If the student has completed the reading diagnostic at the transfer district, the receiving school may use that diagnostic “on track”/”not on-track” result.

  • Students found to be “Not on Track” should be placed on a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMP) within 60 days.

  • Students found to be “On Track” can also be placed on a RIMP.

  • Students not administered the diagnostic test within the specified time frames will be reported as “Required, not Assessed” even if they have been tested later in the school year

  • Our District will get credit for…

    • Students “Not on Track” on their KG diagnostic, but improved to “On Track” on the 1st grade diagnostic.

    • Students “Not on Track” on the 1st grade diagnostic, but improved to “On Track” on the 2nd grade diagnostic.

    • Students “Not on Track” on the 2nd grade diagnostic, but improved to “On Track” on the 3rd grade diagnostic.

    • 3rd grade students “Not on Track” on the fall diagnostic, but proficient (700) or better on the 3rd grade OST on either the fall or spring administration.

  • K-3 Literacy Measure identifies students who were never on, or were removed from, a RIMP but do not achieve proficiency (700) on the OST by the spring of 3rd grade. This will cause a demotion in the improvement percentage. It is required at CCS for all third grade students who do not achieve proficiency score of 700 on the fall OST that they be placed on a RIMP even if on their reading diagnostic they were found to be “On Track.”

Third Grade Reading Guarantee 2023-2024 Promotion Score

State law requires the State Board of Education to annually increase the promotion score on Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 English language arts until it reaches proficient for the 2024-2025 school year. Accordingly, the State Board voted to raise the promotion score for grade 3 English language arts to 690 for the 2023-2024 school year. Any student who scores 690 or higher on the English language arts scaled score will be eligible for promotion to fourth grade at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

In addition, the Ohio Department of Education has set the reading subscore alternative assessment score for Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 English language arts test at 48 for the 2023-2024 school year. Any student who scores 48 or higher on the reading subscore will be eligible for promotion to fourth grade at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, even if the student scores below 690 on Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 English language arts.

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management