User Security Message
Some of you may have received a message when logging in to Infinite Campus, requiring you to set an account security email:
If you are prompted with this message, please enter your CCS email address in the first two boxes, and your existing Infinite Campus password in the last box. This will allow you to log in and you should not be prompted again.
Please Do NOT use your personal email.
If you also received an email from Infinite Campus Account Security Email like the one shown below, we want to let you know that this is a legit email and it is okay to click the link on it.
If you have already used your personal email and it did not let you log in, Please clear your browsing history and here’s the link to how to do it- Clear Browser Cache . Re-open and again try logging into Infinite Campus.
If you still need support please contact Your Support Team .
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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management