Print ES Report Card - Batch
New Look: Main Menu > Grading & Standards > CCS Reports - Grade > Custom Report Card
1. Report Options
From the Report Options drop list, choose one report type from the drop-down menu:
Elementary Report Card - Q1
Elementary Report Card - Q2
Elementary Report Card - Q3
Elementary Report Card - Q4
2. Filter Students
The following customized filter options allow for the selection of students in ONE of the following ways:
Ad Hoc Filter
Select to use a pre-built Ad Hoc Filter for a custom selection.
IMPORTANT - Elementary Administrators ONLY
Previously, if an administrator was listed as a teacher on any courses (i.e. NO SHOW, etc.), this screen would only show students in those courses, not the whole school.
As of Oct 28, 2024, this has been fixed. Now the administrator can see all students on this screen and filter them as needed by grade or teacher.
Default selection is All Students
Select Grade level from the drop list to only include a specific grade level.
Teacher Student Filter
Select a Teacher - The Course-Section Student Filter, will populate based on the teacher you select. The Teacher Student Filter, teacher name must be blank to print all teachers in the school.
Course-Section Student Filter - Select N00030 Elementary Attendance
Check the Select all students box OR use the Multi-Student selection box to choose the student names.
You can use the keyboard CTRL-Click or Shift-Click to select specific names from the list.
This box is used to filter by student name or student number
NOTE: When selecting a single student here, the report still prints all students. This is a known issue and is actively being worked on by the Infinite Campus developer. The workaround for this is to choose a single student from the Multi-Student list as shown in the previous screenshot.
3. Status (Active / Effective Date)
If the report is for only active students, leave the Active Only box checked. The Effective Date defaults to the current date and indicates to include students who are active as of that date. The Effective Date must fall within in the term.
4. Sort Options
Choose a Sort Option. The default sort option is Alpha, however many prefer to run by Teacher.
5. Generate Report
Click Generate Report. The reports will open in a new window. They can now be sent to the printer.
The report cards will open in a PDF format. Depending on your version of Adobe Reader, they can be printed by:
Clicking the Print button on the PDF
On the Menu bar, select File > Print
Press the Ctrl and the P key on your computer keyboard to open the print options.
Remember to change the Printer Setting to duplex (2-sided) printing.
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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management