Application for the reassignment of a student to an existing stop other than the regularly assigned stop or route.
Guidelines for the form are as follows:
The parent/guardian completes the Request for Transportation Reassignment form, signs it and turns it in to the school of attendance.
The principal or District designee will sign the form and forward it to Transportation.
If possible, Transportation will assign the student to the closest existing stop on an existing route.
The assignment will be on a space available basis.
Transportation will not adjust or create a stop for the alternate address.
Transportation will notify the school of the assignment and the school will notify the parent
When submitting a REQUEST FOR REASSIGNMENT - FORM 1, the secretary should EMAIL THE FORM AS FOLLOWS:
K - 8 } Brad Danielson -
9 - 12} Greg McCandless -
Special Education -
Student numbers are needed to trouble shoot or request routing. Just put the student’s number in the subject line.
All concerns and complaints must be called into 614-365-5074. This will facilitate logging, tracking & resolution.
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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management