Selecting an Attendance Code
To determine the correct code to use for a student’s absence, users must first decide which group of codes they should be selecting from:
Unexcused Codes
Excused Absence Parent Codes
Excused Absence District Codes
Exempt Codes
Below is a graphic to help users decide what code to use for a full day of absence for a student:
Below is a graphic to help users decide what code to use for a late arrival or early leave for a student:
Keep in mind when looking at these graphics:
Students may need to have the Request for Principal Approval of an Excused Absence Form for excused absences that fall outside of the Board Approved Reasons.
Students who are participating in an approved school activity will be marked with exempt codes, such as CLS.
Students arriving to school late due to a transportation issue with the bus will be coded as LB and must be verified by checking the route sheet.
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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management