Scribbles Processor Step-by-Step Instructions
Processing External Requests From Schools Outside of CCS
What you need to know to be a Processor of Record Requests from other schools or districts:
If you receive a faxed or emailed request from an outside school or district, please respond by sending the requester the Scribbles K-12 Transfer letter.
Please note that Record Requests from state agencies, attorneys, etc. may still be processed from a paper request (the request should be logged on the Records Transfer Log in IC.
Setting up a Processor Account
New CCS secretaries should contact Sue Pliska ( in the Division of the Registrar to have a Processor account created. Once the account is created they should receive a Welcome to ScribTransfer email with their username and temporary password. If you cannot locate your welcome email, please contact Scribbles support at to have them email another letter to you.
How to Know that there are Requests to Process
CCS secretaries will receive emails stating that they have transfer requests to process. Keep in mind that you are required to process record requests within 3 business days.
You should log into ScribOrder everyday to review requests
Please follow these steps:
Click the Order Number link, in the email and you will automatically be taken to the ScribOrder Sign-In page:
Sign in, and your transfer task will open
Click on the order number and the order will open
Determine if the student owes fees/Chromebook. Click here for Process for Outstanding Fees and/or Chromebook.
Determine what the K12 Requester is requesting — Requested documents are listed in the golden-brown section at the top left hand corner of your screen (see below for a list of items that can be requested). For more information on where to find items in Infinite Campus click HERE Click HERE for how to access IEP's, ETR's, and 504 plans in IC.
Check for any Requester Comments by scrolling to the Requester Comments under the Requester Information. Sometimes other Schools & Districts request certain records for determining acceptance, and we don’t want to withdraw until the other school or district has accepted the student and has requested all records. Please make sure to verify if the student owes any fees. For instructions on how to look up fees or information (Click HERE)
Look up the student’s information in Infinite Campus, or pull the student’s physical cumulative folder and scan the requested documents (please remember if the student has records from a previous non-CCS school, these must be included in the fulfillment of the request if it contains items that were requested)
If the student last attended your school (CCS School A), and is scheduled to attend CCS School B, but is now going to a school outside CCS District, the request should be moved to CCS School B to process and withdraw. The physical cumulative folder should then be returned to your school (CCS School A) to be housed in the inactive files since your school was the last school of attendance
To move a request click on the blue ‘Move Order’ button → select the ‘Change School Routing’ tab → select the school that should process the request and click the green ‘Update’ button
If the student isn’t listed in Infinite Campus and does not have a Cumulative Folder, the request should be denied by clicking on the orange ‘Deny Request’ button. Comments may be entered in the deny email by editing the ‘No Records Found’ template which is located via the drop-down in the ‘Decline Application’ pop-up.
If requests are received which list an outside District Name or Representative as the Requester School instead of the actual requester School Name, the request should be denied by choosing ‘SCRIBTRANSFER – NEED MORE INFORMATION’ The template will populate with the following message: “Your request has been denied. Please submit a new request with the name of the school in which the student will be enrolled. Please enter this information in the ‘Special Information/Comments box.”
If you have the needed information, proceed to step #7.
Upload the Requested Documents to the Transfer Task
Once you have downloaded the documents from IC, you can drag-and-drop documents (PDFs, PNGs, TIFFs, JPEGs) into the blue section or type the file name and click ‘Open’.
Click the blue ‘Upload’ button.
Click the ‘Sign and Send’ button.
Clicking on this button affixes the district’s electronic seal on the records, and ensures that they comply with standards for electronic transcript / student record delivery. Once you click the ‘Sign and Send’ button, the system will transmit the documents to the requester. An email notification is sent to the requester once the request has been processed.
Click the green ‘Approve Request’ button on the right side of the screen if your school was the last CCS school of attendance, and you have uploaded the records and have completed the 'Sign and Send' process. This will send the requester a final approval email.
Enter notes or comments in the approval email by editing the E-Transcript template which is located via the drop-down in the ‘Approve Application’ pop-up. Comments such as, “The student does not have an IEP”, etc. may be inserted here.
You may either select the E-Transcript template from the drop-down in the ‘Approve Application’ pop up, OR type your own comments by choosing the blank template.
Click the blue ‘Approve’ button to remove the order from your work queue.
Click the blue ‘Print’ button on the right side of the screen.
Click the ‘Print Application” button. The ScribTransfer application will populate.
Print or upload this application to CCSDAS as the withdrawal documentation.
Click on the link below for a quick, simplified printable Step by Step Processor Instructions provided by Scribbles Software:
Once the “processing complete” email has been received by whoever requested the records initially, the requester will need to use their login to the K-12 Transfer application to download the student record they requested.
Processing Internal Requests From CCS Schools
What you need to know to be a Processor of requests from other Columbus City Schools (student transferring between schools):
New CCS secretaries should contact Sue Pliska ( ) in the Division of the Registrar to have a Processor account created. Once the account is created they should receive a Welcome to ScribTransfer email with their username and temporary password. If you cannot locate your welcome email, please contact Scribbles support at to have them email another letter to you.
All requests for student records from other CCS buildings will be recieved as a “ScribTransfer” order on the Process Orders screen in ScribOrder.
CCS secretaries will receive emails stating that they have transfer requests to process. Keep in mind that you are required to process record requests within 3 business days.
When you receive an internal record request, meaning the request is from another CCS school, the complete CUM folder should be sent via school mail to the CCS school requesting the record, instead of sending it electronically. Please record that it has been sent in the PLP log.
Please follow these steps:
Click the Order Number link, in the email and you will automatically be taken to the ScribOrder Sign-In page:
Sign in, and your transfer task will open.
Click on the order number and the order will open.
Look to see who is requesting the record (CCS school or Non-CCS School).
Check for any Requester Comments by scrolling to the Requester Comments under the Requester Information
Pull the student’s physical cumulative folder.
If the cumulative folder cannot be located in your building, move this order to the next previous CCS school listed on the Enrollments Tab in Infinite Campus. Before moving the order, make a note in the Processor Comments Box as follows: your school name, that you do not have this file, and what school you are moving the order to. This will prevent the order from being moved back to your school in the future. To move an order, click the “Move Order” button, select “Change School Routing”, highlight your school name and start typing in the school name of where you would like to move the order to. Select the next school name from the drop down list, then click “Update”. If you are the last school on the Enrollment Tab and you do not have the record, you should click the gold "Deny Request" button to deny the order. Type a message in the Decline Application Message Box of your attempt to locate the record. Then click “Deny”. The requesting school should email the so that it can be added to the missing CUM list.
If the cumulative record was found in your building, click the green ‘Approve Request’ button on the right side of the screen.
This will send the requester a final approval email.
Enter notes or comments in the approval email by editing the E-Transcript template which is located via the drop-down in the ‘Approve Application’ pop-up. Comments such as, “The cumulative folder was put in the mail on XX/XX/XX”.
Click the blue ‘Approve’ button to remove the order from your work queue.
Record in the Records Transfer Log in Infinite Campus where the cumulative record has been sent and when.
Locating Records that have been sent for Digitization
Check SCView to see if the record has been digitized.
1. If the record has been digitized:
a. For Internal requests (CCS Schools) - approve the ScribTransfer Order and include a message in the “Approve Application” box that the record has been digitized and is available on SCView.
b. For External requests (non CCS Schools/Districts) – fulfill and approve the ScribTransfer Order per usual.
If the record is not found on SCView, email Sarah DeLozier at to let her know that you are looking for a record that has been sent for digitization.
If the record has already been sent to SCView, Sarah will request a copy of the records. SCView will send a copy of the record to Sarah and she will upload the record to the Documents Tab in Infinite Campus as “Other-Cumulative Record”. Sarah will email you to let you know that the record has been uploaded to IC. Fulfil the ScribTransfer Order as follows
For Internal requests (CCS Schools) - approve the ScribTransfer Order and include a message in the “Approve Application” box that the record has been sent for digitization and a copy has been uploaded to the Documents Tab in Infinite Campus.
For External requests (non CCS Schools/Districts) - fulfill and approve the ScribTransfer Order using the records uploaded to the Documents Tab in Infinite Campus. You will need to search this uploaded record to find the specific documents requested.
b. If the record has NOT yet been sent to SCView for digitization, and it is waiting in storage, Sarah will find the record and return it to your school. You will then proceed with processing the ScribTransfer Order per usual.
Please note: Send messages to the requestor in the Message History Box to keep them informed of progress. Do not approve or deny orders until the record has been either digitized and on SCView, uploaded to Infinite Campus Documents Tab, or the hard copy cumulative file has been returned to you.
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