Scribbles K-12 & ScribOrder- What's the difference?
Scribbles K-12
Is a program that schools use to request records. It is only for school-to-school records transfers and can be used by external districts as well as other Columbus City Schools needing cumulative records.
When processing these requests the “order type” will show as ScribTransfer
If you have questions about how process a ScribTransfer order, please do the following:
Review the pages listed under Scribbles K-12 on the dashboard
Still need assistance? Contact:
Sue Pliska
Phone #: 380-997-7531
Is a program that various entities use mainly for Alumni record requests. These can include education verification, colleges/students needing a transcript or current students needing a copy of an IEP/ETR.
When processing these requests the “order type” will show as the following:
Current student
Pick up
If you have questions about how to process any of the above orders, please do the following:
Review the pages listed under ScribOrder on the dashboard
Still need assistance? Contact:
Bonny Durr
Phone #: 614-365-5763
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