Scrib Order

Scrib Order

ScribOrder is an online records request system that CCS utilizes to process alumni record requests.  New high school records secretaries should email Bonny Durr at bdurr@columbus.k12.oh.us to request access.  Please include your name, school location and position.  Once your information is processed you will receive a ‘Welcome Email’ with your user name and temporary password.



The link for secretaries to log in to process orders is https://ccsoh.scriborder.com/appList   Type in your userid and password and click the Sign In button OR you can log into the system by clicking on one of the order numbers that you received via your morning KickStart Transfer Request email.  Clicking on one of the order numbers will then take you to the sign-in page.



When you log into ScribOrder, you will see HEADERS (in the top black ribbon section) and TABS (in the gray, blue, front ribbon).  The TABS are used to process requests whereas the HEADER will take you out of the processing page to other major functions of ScribOrder or Scribbles.



Consumer Home:  This takes you to the Start Order page.  This is the page that ScribOrder customers will access to place a record request via https://ccsoh.scriborder.com .  This page can also be utilized to create a ScribblesK-12 Requester account or sign in to an existing Scribbles Requester account.

Order Tracker:  This takes you to the Order Tracker sign in page.  For ScribOrder requests, the Order Tracker is utilized for the Requester to upload support documentation such as driver’s license, proof of address, etc…     

Process Orders:  This is the default HOME page for all users that process requests. (This is what you will use most often)

Reports:  This takes you to Reports.  Basic Reports is a summary report of all transactions for over a period of time.  Order Data Charts is a breakdown of all activity including Overall Status, Overall Distribution, Status by Date, Order Type by Date, Payment by Date, Order Distribution by Date, Order Reason by Date and Ordered Document by Date.



My Orders:  When the Grab Application option is used, orders not yet processed, transfer to the My Orders tab. Many times these orders sit unattended and are forgotten; therefore, ORDERS SHOULD NOT BE GRABBED. Consequently, the My Orders tab will most likely be empty.

 Unassigned Orders:  This is the default when Process Orders is selected.  You will only see orders respective to your school.  Click on the Order Number to open the request.  The Unassigned Orders tab is the tab that you’ll be working from, most of the time.  ScribOrder requests should be processed within 10 business days from the date the order was submitted by the Requester.

 All:  All orders, regardless of the status, are stored and can be retrieved.  To search for an order, click the All tab followed by the ‘In Progress’ dropdown and select All from the dropdown options.  Type either the student name or order number in the Application Search box and click Search.  To open the order, click on the order number.

 Money Orders: This is seldom used, but if an individual elects to pay with a money order, the money order will need to be mailed to ScribOrder.  Once received, ScribOrder will then activate the order so it can be processed.

 Coupons:  This is selected to manage all Coupon Codes that have been approved.  You can view existing Coupon Codes, however, secretaries should not generate or delete existing codes.

 Filter:  This is selected to apply Filters to narrow the display to specific orders such as Express Processing (flagged with a yellow airplane icon) or Open Notifications (flagged with a red flag icon).  The yellow airplane indicates that the Requester has paid extra for the order to be processed within 24 hours.  The red flag indicates the Requester has attached a document or message to the order.  After you have read & responded to the message, the red flag should be cleared from the order by clicking on Unread Notifications!  Click here for Unread Notifications Step by Step instructions.



To navigate to the requests waiting to be processed, click on Process Orders in the header section.  This will take you to a list of all unassigned orders in chronological date order (oldest to newest).

 Within the Order List, each order is presented with the…

 Order Number – Clickable link that opens the Order.  Note that this doesn’t assign the order to you.

Order Type – What type of order it is (e.g. Current Student, Student, Corporate, ScribTransfer, etc…)

Applicant Name – Applicant’s Name

Last School – The school the Requester is requesting records from

Grad Year/Grade – The graduation year or the grade of the current student

Owner – Who the order is assigned to

Status – The status of the order such as Payment Received, Order Approved, Order Denied, etc…

Submitted – The date and time when the order was submitted


Note - You can click on the headers within the order list to sort in Ascending or Descending order.


All of the information necessary to process a request is presented on one web page referred to as the Application.  The user will process the requests from this page using the Action Buttons on the right.

User Action Buttons

Send ID Auth Message is used to request ID or proof of address to authenticate the identity of a ScribOrder Requester.

Request Information is used to communicate to the Requester when you need additional information to process their order.  An email and text message (if applicable) are sent to the Requester on your behalf by ScribOrder

Inform of Progress is used to communicate to the Requester, information about the status of their order.  An email and text message (if applicable) are sent to the Requester on your behalf by ScribOrder.

Move Order is used to reassign the ownership of the request from the current user to another user. 

Approve Request is used once the fulfillment of the request is successfully completed.  An email and text message (if applicable) are sent to the Requester on your behalf by ScribOrder notifying them that their order has been successfully processed.

Deny Request is used when the order cannot be fulfilled.  An email and text message (if applicable) are sent to the Requester on your behalf by ScribOrder notifying them their order could not be processed.

Save Progress is used in conjunction with Work Comments.  Work comments are used to document specific internal use information pertaining to a request.  Work comments are only visible to processors, not Requesters. The user must click the Save Progress button in order to document or save the comments.

Print is most commonly used to print Envelopes with the address provided by the request, and to also print the one-page Application form if needed.


When opening an order, you will see the type of documents requested, in the golden brown box.  You will also see the name of the student for whom the request is being submitted.


Once all of the documents are gathered, please fulfill the request by uploading the documents to the top blue box that says, ‘Documents available for e-delivery’.  Records may be found as listed below, dependent on the year last attended or graduation year.

              Infinite Campus – 2008/2009 to present

              Digitization Application – years prior to 2008


Note:  The majority of Special Education records are now available in Infinite Campus and all individuals born prior to 1989 are available thru the Digitization Application.


Check for fees owed.  If the student owes fees, the request should not be processed except for court or incarcerated requests.




Records can now be uploaded and sent electronically from the ScribOrder system, (like we do in Scribbles K-12) to students or 3rd parties instead of being mailed via U.S. mail, PROVIDED THAT STUDENTS PASS THE SCRIBCHECK VERIFICATION RESULTS AND THAT 3RD PARTIES UPLOAD A SIGNED RELEASE.  Click here for Step by Step instructions for Uploading & Sending Records Electronically to Students and 3rd Parties.






Record requests from the TRIO Programs at Columbus State Community College (CSCC) known as Upward Bound (grades 9-12) and Educational Talent Search (grades 6-12), should be sent electronically to the email link of the person that submitted the request from CSCC.  Click here for Step by Step instructions

 Approving/Denying Orders

When approving or denying orders, after clicking the Approve Request or Deny Request button, an Approve or Decline Application box will populate.  Click on the Apply Template drop-down to choose an email template OR type your own response into the blank email BEFORE clicking the Approve button.  Your processing comments are required, to ensure the Requester doesn’t receive a blank approval or denial email.

 The Contingent Deny or Contingent Approve button should NOT be used.



Managing Attachments


The Requester may upload support documentation via the Order Tracker such as a driver’s license, state ID card, signed release, official name change document, etc.  To open the attachments, click the file hyperlink under File Name.  In addition, the processor may upload documents related to the order in the bottom, blue box by clicking on the green plus sign which says ‘Upload a Document Linked to Order’.



Audit Trail

 All user activity pertaining to a request is tracked and stored for future reference.  The audit trail of user activity is documented in the green Action Date log box at the bottom of the order which includes a date and time stamp of each action.  You can check to see if documents transmitted electronically from the ScribOrder system, the date the order was approved or denied, when documents were viewed by the Requester and messages sent by you as the processor or messages received from the Requester.



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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management