Unread Notifications
The ‘Unread Notifications’ feature previously available only for high school processors is now available for elementary and middle school processors as well. ‘Unread Notifications’ is a log of unread messages that are attached to each schools’ ScribTransfer and/or ScribOrder record requests, including messages received for requests that were previously processed and approved. Simply click on the ‘Unread Notifications’ to view the notifications.
When viewing orders from the ‘Unassigned Tab’, a red flag icon indicates that a document or message has been attached to the record request by the requestor. After orders have been opened and messages have been read and responded to, it is important that the red flag is cleared from the order.
If the “Type” of order is CORPORATE, CURRENT-STUDENT, PICK-UP, LEGAL/SUBPOENA OR STUDENT, please follow the procedures below:
click on ‘Process Orders’ within the black header ribbon.
Click on ‘Unread Notifications’, then type the applicant’s name or order number in the ‘Application Search’ box.
Once the correct order populates, click the red ‘Clear Notice’ button to remove the red flag from the order.
If the “Type” of order is ScribTransfer, please follow the procedures below:
click on ‘Process Orders’ within the black header ribbon.
Click on ‘Unread Notifications’, then type the applicant’s name or order number in the ‘Application Search’ box.
Once the correct order populates, click the red ‘Clear Notice’ button to remove the red flag from the order.
if the order is already open, simply click on the exclamation mark within the small red circle under the ‘Message History’ section on the ScribTransfer application.
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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management