Scrib Order Student Requests
Student requests include requests from former students and occasionally from parents of current students.
Sign in to ScribOrder
The ‘Unassigned Orders’ page will populate
Do not grab the application. If the order is grabbed, it will go to the ‘My Orders’ tab where it will likely be forgotten and other processors will not be able to view the order
Click on the order number to open the order
The ‘Type of Document Requested’ will show in the golden-brown box at the top of the order such as High School Transcript, Immunization Records, Graduation Verification, Birth Certificate, ETR, IEP or Complete Student Record
Scroll to the ScribCheck Verification Results section to determine if the applicant passed the ScribCheck Verification. If there is not a green check mark in front of both the Address Match and/or the DOB Match, ID and/or proof of address should be requested via the ID Auth Message button.
If the below ‘ScribCheck Verification Skipped’ message appears, both ID and proof of address should be requested via the ID Auth Message button.
Enter a note in the ‘Work Comments’ box that you are waiting on ID or proof of address as appropriate, such as: 7/23/21 Waiting on ID. (enter your initials) Click the blue ‘Save Progress’ button so that your comments will be saved.
If an applicant’s name has been changed, except for last name changes due to marriage, official name change documents should be requested.
7. Check the ‘Last Year Enrolled’ field under ‘Your Last Columbus City School of Attendance’ section to determine if records are housed in Infinite Campus, eSIS or SCView. If the student was last enrolled from:
a. 2008/2009 to present – search for records in Infinite Campus
b.. Years prior to 2008 – search for records in SCView
8. Fees – If the student is located in Infinite Campus, check the ‘Fees’ tab to see if the student owes fees. You do not need to check for fees owed in eSIS or SCView. If fees are owed, the order CANNOT be processed. Click the ‘Inform of Progress’ action button to send a message to the requester to read as: WE ARE UNABLE TO PROCESS THE RECORD REQUEST FOR (Name of Student) AT (Name of School) DUE TO FEES OWED TO COLUMBUS CITY SCHOOLS. PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURER AT 380 997-7382 REGARDING PAYMENT OF FEES. THIS ORDER WILL BE DENIED IN 15 DAYS IF FEES REMAIN UNPAID. If fees remain unpaid after 15 days, Click the orange ‘Deny Request’ action button. Click the ‘Apply Template’ dropdown in the ‘Decline Application’ box and choose NO RECORDS FOUND- STUDENT template. Edit the message to read as: WE ARE UNABLE TO PROCESS THE RECORD REQUEST FOR (Name of Student) AT (Name of School) DUE TO FEES OWED TO COLUMBUS CITY SCHOOLS. PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURER AT 380 997-7382 REGARDING PAYMENT OF FEES. IF YOU PAID FOR THIS ORDER ONLINE USING A CREDIT/DEBIT CARD, YOUR FEES HAVE BEEN REFUNDED AUTOMATICALLY. IT MAY TAKE UP TO 7 BUSINESS DAYS FOR THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION TO PROCESS THE REFUND. Click the blue ‘Deny’ button. The ‘Contingent Deny’ button should not be used. The order CAN be processed if fees are not owed.
9. Search for record(s) requested. (Refer to step #7 for location of record(s). Records that are saved to your computer to be uploaded & sent electronically from ScribOrder, should be saved using the ‘Student Name’ instead of the ‘Student Number’, to ensure that the wrong file isn’t accidentally transmitted to the wrong individual.
10. Upload the file(s) to the top blue box within the order. Documents can be dragged & dropped. Do not upload files to the bottom blue box. The bottom blue box houses ID and proof of address documents that applicants upload to the order.
11. Click the ‘Sign & Send’ button. – Clicking this button affixes the district’s electronic seal on the records, and ensures that they comply with standards for electronic transcript/student record delivery.
12. Click the green ‘Approve Request’ button
13. In the ‘Approve Application’ box, click the ‘Apply Template’ dropdown and choose an appropriate template. Templates can be edited if needed.
14. Click the blue ‘Approve’ button. – Never use the ‘Contingent Approve’ button.
15. An email notification is sent to the applicant once the request has been processed.
16. If records cannot be located, email Bonny at and provide the student name and order number. Orders should not be denied until all options have been exhausted.
Note: Students have 15 days from the date the first ID Authorization Message was sent to provide the documents requested. The message the student receives says, “You have 15 days to provide the requested documentation. If the requested documentation is not received your request will be denied and the payment refunded.”
Note: Student requests that are denied before the order expiration date receive an automatic refund.
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