The Trio Programs at Columbus State Community College-How to Upload and Send records via ScribOrder
Record requests from the TRIO Programs at Columbus State Community College known as Upward Bound (grades 9-12) and Educational Talent Search (grades 6-12), should be sent electronically to the email link of the person that submitted the request from CSCC. That person’s email link is listed at the bottom of the light blue Corporate Application within the order as displayed below.
After the record has been uploaded to the top blue box within the order, click the ‘Sign and Send’ button and choose ‘Applicant’. The email link of the person at CSCC that submitted the request will then populate. Check to make sure that the link matches the email address that is displayed in the blue Corporate Application section.
All other requests from CSCC other than Upward Bound and Educational Talent Search requests, should still be uploaded and sent electronically to the educational link which is currently Columbus State Community College at
After you have chosen the correct email link, click the blue ‘Send Link’ button.
Click the green ‘Approve Request’ button.
Choose the appropriate approval template and click the blue ‘Approve’ button.
Records that are uploaded to be sent electronically, should be saved using the ‘Student Name’ instead of the ‘Student Number’ to ensure that the wrong file isn’t accidentally transmitted to the wrong person.
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