Process of Record Requests when there are Outstanding Fees

Process of Record Requests when there are Outstanding Fees

Check the Fees and the Forms tabs for outstanding fees.  Do not send report cards or transcripts if the student owes fees.  All other requested records should be sent.  Send a message to the requestor in the Message History box that Transcripts/Report Cards will not be sent due to outstanding fees.  (There are exceptions to that rule; if the student has a Project Connect Flag, a Foster Placed Flag, or if you know that the student has been adjudicated, the transcripts and records SHOULD be sent regardless of outstanding fees; https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/blogs/legal-ledger/changes-withholding-grades-and-credits ).  If you do hold back on sending a report card or transcript due to fees, and the requestor responds indicating that the student has been identified as Project Connect, Foster Placed, or adjudicated, we take their word for it and send them a transcript/report card.  A copy of their email or message should be uploaded to the Documents Tab in Infinite Campus or conversation recorded in the PLP log and then the grades/transcripts can be released.

The secretary should attempt to retrieve any Fees by calling the parent/guardian.  Allow two weeks for the parent to resolve the fees.  If the parent has not resolved the fees after one week, a second request should be made to the parent.  Document each request in the Processor Comments Box.  If the fee IS paid, send the transcript and/or report card to the requestor, then “Approve Request”.  If the fee is NOT paid after the two weeks are up, the secretary should “Deny Request”, and send a message to the requestor in the Message History box that they will need to follow up with the parents.

When denying a request:

·         Deny Request

·         Enter Reason: Grades/Transcripts not provided due to outstanding fees.

·         No Template Applied


Having an outstanding Fee does NOT prevent a student from being withdrawn.


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management