Returned Mail/ Suspect student is residing outside of CCS Boundaries = Address Verification Letter
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Students must have a primary mailing address to enroll, facilitate transportation routing and receive any information from the school. Throughout the year test scores, schedule information before the school year begins, mid-year report cards (for secondary schools), attendance letters, meeting invitations, district information and end of year report cards are mailed to the address of record. It is extremely important to keep the information in Infinite Campus current.
The Address verification process should be followed when return mail is received for students who are actively attending school. If returned mail is received for a student who has stopped attending school, the Unable to Locate checklist should be completed.
Returned Mail / Suspect student is residing outside of CCS Boundaries
Once a school receives returned mail from a student’s primary address in Infinite Campus or information is received that the student may be residing outside of CCS boundaries, time-sensitive procedures must be followed to obtain the current address and/or withdrawing the family if the necessary documents aren’t received.
After receiving returned mail or receiving information that the student may be residing outside of CCS boundaries, school staff must contact the parent/guardian via PHONE to inform and request they complete the Annual Update via the Parent Portal, within 5 days, if they have a new address. If the student has a Project Connect Flag you will need to email or if they have Foster Care Flag, you will need to email with the student's information. If the parent states they still live at the address on the returned mail, they must provide the school current proof of address within 5 days. (Please see the necessary documents for a list of acceptable documents for residency verification or any address changes). ALL contact must be recorded in the PLP log.
After contact, IF by day 6, the parent/guardian has NOT provided current proof of address or completed the Annual Update, a house check is required
Although any school staff may conduct a house check, it is most common to request the building social worker or SDS to complete. House checks MUST be recorded in the student’s PLP contact log.
If the house check determines the student no longer resides at the primary address, an Address Verification letter must be prepared via the ‘Forms’ tab in Infinite Campus.
Once the letter has been prepared and signed by the administrator, the parent/guardian must be notified by phone that a letter regarding the address and potential withdraw is being sent via US mail, email, AND home with the student. The phone call must be noted in the PLP log. *If the student receives special education services, in addition to ALL steps listed above, you should work with SPED to obtain the correct address.
If the specified time has passed, and the family did not provide proof of address, the secretary can initiate a withdraw thru CCSDAS using code "79" and end date equal to the withdraw date specified on the letter. Once the withdraw has been initiated, the student is not permitted to attend. The Address Verification letter is uploaded to the withdraw request in the CCSDAS as supporting documentation for the withdraw. *Special Education students cannot be withdrawn code 79 unless it can be proven with undisputable evidence that the student no longer resides in the CCS district.
If the parent provides the proof of address, that shows the student still resides within CCS boundaries within 2 weeks of the withdraw, the parent can complete a Re-enrollment Within 2 Weeks form. The Secretary will scan the form and proof of address to
If the student has a Project Connect Flag you will need to email or if they have Foster Care Flag, you will need to email with the student's information.
Preparation of the Address Verification Letter:
Pull the student up in Infinite Campus.
Navigate to the Forms tab (Student Information → General → Forms tab)
Select the blue 'New' button.
Click on Enrollment/Address Verification.
The letterhead, date, Student, Student #, current address on file, principal name and school phone number should automatically populate.
Type the deadline to provide information (10 business days from the letter generation) in the red box.
Click Print (this will automatically save the letter to the Forms tab and print the letter).
All steps must be completed & house check documented in PLP log BEFORE a withdraw can be completed!
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