3GRG Student Retentions

3GRG Student Retentions

Elementary Schools

For Third Grade Students - 3GRG test scores will be returned electronically on June 4, 2018.   Students being retained because they did not meet the cut score will NOT be processed through the CCSDAS. These retentions will be done through the Infinite Campus Support team as an automatic script and the secretary/principal do not need to do anything at this time.  Please only enter third grade students into the CCSDAS who are being retained for social/emotional reasons and not for 3GRG.  

2018/2019 4th grade students who start SY 2018/2019 in a 3rd grade classroom because they did not meet the requirements of the Third Grade Reading Guarantee prior to the start of the school year must be placed in a 3rd grade attendance homeroom and have the academic block course of N00080 3GRG 4TH GR IN 3RD GR CLASS. This course is set up to span all of the Academic Periods of the school day (NOT the Attendance Periods).

=> 3GRG Retentions EOY 2017-2018

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