3GRG Transfer Students

3GRG Transfer Students




If a student comes from another CCS school and doesn’t have the required 3GRG items (Intervention Flag, Notification Letter, RIMP), who is responsible for completing?  The previous school or the new school of enrollment?



Students in grade K – 3 are required to be given a reading diagnostic test by September 30th or within 30 days of their enrollment if they transfer from another district.

The Secretary shall contact the previous school and request the reading diagnostic.  This information should have been requested with other records upon enrollment.

Once the reading diagnostic information is received, the information should be forwarded to Rachel Hopewell via email for review.  The Division of Testing and Program Evaluation will upload the information into Infinite Campus. 


Students transferring from out of district, charter/private school


The following guideline applies to any student:

A.    Who transfers to Columbus City Schools from another public school district in the state of Ohio;

B.    Who transfers to Columbus City Schools from another charter/private school in the state of Ohio;

C.   Who transfers to Columbus City Schools from a school (public, private or charter) from out of state.


If a student transfers to Columbus City Schools from another public school district in the state of Ohio, from another charter/private school or from a school out of state; his/her Third Grade Reading Guarantee assessment results should be requested within five (5) days of enrollment.  Once the results are received from the transferring school, the principal or principal designee shall scan and email the results to Rachel Hopewell, rhopewell@columbus.k12.oh.us, in the Office of Teaching and Learning.  The assessment will be reviewed and results entered into the student information database. 


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