3GRG Tracking Report

3GRG Tracking Report


3GRG - Students Requiring Not on Track Letter, RIMP, and Interventions

This report displays a list of K-3 students who are Not on Track for the Third Grade Reading Guarantee (3GRG). The report will show who requires a Not on Track Letter, a RIMP (Reading Improvement or Monitoring Plan) and Interventions.

Path: Index > Grading & Standards > Reports > 3GRG

  • Choose to generate the report for students missing a Notification Letter, RIMP or Intervention (default) or to run the report for all students.

  • Click Generate Report to run the report for your building. 

The report is a spreadsheet that can be saved and opened with Excel.  It will look similar to the sample below:

Page Break


In addition to the report above, Certify rules will appear on your building scorecards.  There are three rules to track missing Notification Letters, RIMP Documents, or Intervention Flags.  

sample Certify Scorecard

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management