RIMP Principal Review

Principals must indicate that they have reviewed the RIMP. This is now done electronically, without printing and physically signing the actual RIMP itself.


Review the RIMP



If you are looking at all RIMPs for a particular teacher, the easiest way to do this is to use the Advanced Search feature and locate all students on a Team. From here, you will be able to click on each student individually in the search results to pull up their RIMP to review.


NOTE: If you are not seeing a list of students, run ‘Fill Teams’.

Index>Scheduling>Fill Teams>Fill Empty Teams Assignments>click Run.


Choose a student and browse to:

Index > Student Information > General > Forms

Click on 3GRG RIMP 21-22 v1.5



This will bring up the RIMP for review. You can scroll through the document or print it using the Print button at the bottom.

At the present time there is not an option to print all RIMPs at the same time.


Go to this page to view or download a sample RIMP that is completely filled out.




Mark as Reviewed

Choose a student and browse to:

Index > Student Information > General > Forms

  • Click on the New button at the bottom

  • Select RIMP - Principal Review from the list.

Note that this form is in a different module (Admin Review and Approval) than the RIMP documents. This is so that only principals can have access to these approval forms.



The form should appear with all fields populated.

If this is not the case, the RIMP itself is not complete (i.e. missing a teacher name, email or date). Click the Cancel button and contact the teacher to fill out the missing fields on the RIMP.

If everything is filled out correctly, the only field for the principal to click is the checkbox that indicates he/she has reviewed the RIMP and approves.

After checking the box, click Save & Stay, then click Lock to lock the form from future edits.



Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management