Creating a RIMP
To create a RIMP, teachers will utilize a Fillable Document Form (FDF) that is embedded directly into Infinite Campus.
The form is already connected to individual students, so some fields will be automatically populated. These fields include: School Name, Current Date, StudentID, Student Nam, Date of Birth, Student Grade Level, & Teacher.
The form can be edited throughout the course of the plan, so the information is always up to date without the need to fill out & upload a new form.
NOTE: Even if a student changes schools, the new teacher can still see the original plan, and update it as they monitor the student's progress for the rest of the year.
Many teachers choose to default their login screen to the Campus Instruction module. In order to add a flag to a student, you must be in the Campus Tools module.
Instructions for switching between these modules can be found here. For best viewing, we also recommend using the New Look of Infinite Campus so that you can see more of the RIMP on the screen while filling it out.
Create a new RIMP
Path: Index > Student Information > General > Forms > New
Browse to the path above
If you have not already selected a student, you may be prompted to search for a student at this point.
Once you have selected the student, click the Forms tab and choose
Choose 3GRG RIMP 23-24 from the Select Form list
Upon form creation, you will be asked to select your name/email from the list of the student’s teachers. These will populate in the form.
If the assessment has been loaded into Infinite Campus, you can pre-populate the score.
NOTE: The drop list for assessments contains ALL assessments the student has taken, across ALL school years. This list can get rather lengthy. You can always leave this blank and type the score in manually on the form if you have a list of students/scores from the vendor to work from. Some find this more efficient.
After making your selection, click Create Form at the bottom of the screen
NOTE: If there have not yet been any 23-24 assessments added to Infinite Campus for a student, you won’t see them in the list.
If you have the test scores you need (from a report, at website, etc.) you can skip the second drop down and create the form. Then, fill in the score manually on the page in the Score field.
Complete the form by typing in the blue boxes.
If any pre-populated information is incorrect, you can overwrite by deleting the data and adding a new value.
Required fields are noted in red. The form will not save unless these fields are filled out. This includes at least one intervention (RIMP Code).
PLEASE NOTE: The Ohio Department of Education has created all new RIMP codes that now appear in the drop lists.
Ready For Parent Electronic Signature
When you are ready for parents to provide an electronic signature in the portal, click the Yes radio button. This will trigger a nightly job to create a RIMP Parent Signature Page to be created and appear in the Parent Portal
Before marking yes, make sure that the fields on the right are filled out →
All four of these fields are required
Verify Teacher Name
Verify Teacher Email
At least one RIMP code is required
Assessment Date
Assessment/Grade Level
Test Score
Ready For Signature (mark NO until all of the other fields in this list are completed)
Areas of Identified Need
Context (choose one)
Evidence-based Intervention
Evidence-based monitoring tools
Frequency of Progress Monitoring
Opportunities for Parent Involvement
Parent Comments
When you are ready to save your changes, click on Save & Stay button, then click on the Lock button to allow the form to be removed from “Draft” status and be seen in the portal.
Sample RIMP & Resources
See the sample RIMP for best practices on filling out each of the fields
Additional Resources
Editing an existing RIMP
Path: Index > Student Information > General > Forms
Browse to the path above
If you have not already selected a student, you may be prompted to search for a student at this point.
Once you have selected the student, click the Forms tab and choose the form you wish to edit
If the form is locked, click the Unlock button at the bottom to open edit mode
Unlock button is missing
The Unlock button is hidden when a locked form has a Start Date scheduled in the future. |
Start Date is an optional feature. Entering a Start date prevents the form from being visible on the portal until the date and time entered has passed. You must first remove the Start Date to unlock and edit a RIMP with a future start date. The unlock button will appear once the start date is removed and saved. |
page break
Once you have finished making updates, click on Save & Stay button, then click on the Lock button to allow the form to be removed from “Draft” status and be seen in the portal.
Logging Parent Contact
Contact with parents can be added directly to the RIMP itself (on the last page) for each student. Make sure to unlock, save, then re-lock the form when adding these entries.
Should you run out of space on the form, you may still log contact in the PLP contact log
Path: Index > Student Information > PLP > General > Contact Log Tab
To log contact with parents regarding the student's plan, open the Contact Log tab, then click New
In the contact log detail, enter information as shown
Date and time will automatically populate with the current date and time, but these can be overwritten as needed
Contacted by will automatically populate with the person entering the contact log information (teacher)
Choose the contact type from the list - be sure to choose a type starting with "RIMP" to indicate that this contact is regarding a student's reading plan
Enter the name of the person you contacted
Enter the details of the contact, including the outcome of the conversation
When you are finished, click Save
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