End of Year Secretary Checklist 2022-2023

End of Year Secretary Checklist 2022-2023

If you'd like to print a copy, please use the link below

Submit student retentions through the CCSDAS

All schools must have retentions completed by June 2nd

Process outstanding withdrawals for the current school year

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

Run withdrawal code verification report

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

Process withdrawal corrections (if applicable)

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

Ensure all attendance data has been entered/UPLOADED/filed for the 22/23 school year

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

All attendance records properly boxed and stored

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

Ensure all due process letters have been uploaded for the 22/23 school year

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

All behavior records properly boxed and stored according to the records retention schedule

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

Check with the administrator to make sure final grades have been entered

This is on the principals' checklist.

Run school year end - leaving report

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

Prepare and log cumulative records for students leaving your school

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year

Properly documented address changes completed in infinite Campus

Parents are responsible for submitting address changes via Parent Portal.

Fees Audit Report printed and provided to the administrator

As indicated by principals

Locker assignments end dated for 22/23 school year

As indicated by principals

22/23 Scheduling taskS complete

Prior to secretaries leaving for the year



Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management