End of Year Secretary Information 2022-2023

End of Year Secretary Information 2022-2023

Infinite Campus End Of Year Closeout Secretary Information


  • This packet lists tasks that secretaries are to have completed for the end of the school year.

  • The Infinite Campus Dashboard version is interactive, and contains links to more information about tasks that need to be completed.  

  • To print the packet, click the icon in the upper right corner of the IC Dashboard screen and choose "Export to PDF" 

  • Save the file to your computer and print out.

  • Check off each item on the checklist as it is completed.

  • Important Dates:


(1) Enrollments

The Enrollment Roll Forward process moves students up one grade level for the 23/24 school year with a 7/1/23 start date. It also moves students from elementary (5th) to middle school (6th), and middle (8th) to high school (9th). 

The Enrollment End Batch process is run during the Year End Process and will place an end date of 06/30/2023 on all active current year enrollments.

The Year End Process moves seniors with a diploma date to graduated status. 

Enrollments have begun for the 23/24 school year.  These are visible on the student’s enrollment tab. Please note there are various scenarios in which a 23/24 enrollment will exist after a student has been withdrawn. These enrollments will be removed from the enrollment tab as part of the Enrollment Roll Forward process or through a process completed at Central Enrollment. This process is scheduled for various dates from now through the summer. There is no need to submit a Campus Support Ticket or withdraw request to remove these enrollments. During the transition to 23/24, notifications will be posted through the Infinite Campus Notification system on the log in screen. You may notice lag time during the transition but the system will not be shut down.

Lottery Enrollments

Last Date For Lottery Applications:

  • August 22, 2023 for students that are enrolled and complete school year 22/23 with Columbus City Schools

  • December 12, 2023 for new to Columbus City Schools students

    • Students have up to 2 weeks after enrolling to submit their application but applications must be submitted by December 12, 2023

(2) Student Retentions

All retentions must be submitted through the CCSDAS (see the Elementary School section below for 3rd grade retentions). Your Administrator and/or Counselor will provide you with the list of retentions. Student retention documentation must be uploaded to the CCSDAS when submitting retentions. Elementary Schools should upload the signed Individual Academic Plan, Middle Schools should use the Grade Card, or the signed Individual Academic Plan and High Schools should use Transcripts as documentation. Every retention MUST have a contact logged with the parent/guardian in the PLP regarding the retention.

High Schools

Students who have not met graduation requirements will be retained. See Graduates Section of this document for more information. 

Elementary Schools

For Third Grade Students - Please only enter third grade students into the CCSDAS who are being retained for social/emotional reasons and not for 3GRG. 

Grade Level Change vs. Retention

If the 23/24 grade level displays inaccurately after July 1, 2023, submit a Grade Level Change through the CCSDAS.

Retentions added through CCSDAS BEFORE Jun 2, 2023 can be done in batch. Retentions done AFTER Jun 2, 2023 must be submitted individually though the CCSDAS Grade Level Change Request process.

For more information regarding the retention process, including how to retain students for next year, please see the Retention Manual provided by Central Enrollment.

Retention Report

Your Administrator may request for you to generate the Retention Report from Infinite Campus. Note: this report will only generate after Central Enrollment has processed your retention requests submitted through CCSDAS. You can locate this report through the following path: Index>Grading & Standards>Reports>Retentions


(3) Withdrawals

Continue to process withdrawals through CCSDAS for active students moving to another educational entity.  Use the End Status Withdraw Code table as a guide. 

Withdrawal requests must be submitted by the school with the active enrollment. If you receive a request for records on a student who has transitioned to a new CCS building (Elementary > Middle; Middle > High) you must forward the request to the 23/24 school of enrollment. This should be done only through Scribbles so that there is an accurate account of where the records are located.

Generate the Withdraw Code Verification Report. This report contains a list of students who withdrew from your school during the current school year. Fields that may need to be updated are displayed in red

  • Index > Student Information > Reports > Data Verification Reports > Withdraw Code Verification

  • Review end status and codes for accuracy

  • Submit the correction through the CCSDAS

The withdraw end status on a student’s enrollment tab must be in alignment with the most recent documentation on file. If at any time new documentation is presented relative to the students withdraw, we must update the withdraw end status code.

For example; A student was withdrawn to code 74: Moved not known to be continuing, and an Unable To Locate (UTL) is on file. Weeks later you receive a records request from Whitehall City Schools indicating the student has been actively attending their district since the first day of school. In this example the student should have been withdrawn to end status 41. See steps below for instructions on how to correct a withdraw.

Correcting Withdrawals

If a student is withdrawn to a drop-out reason or is found to be enrolled into a school other than the one the student was withdrawn to, it is important to update the withdraw code as soon as possible. (We only update this if the student did not attend the school they were withdrawn to, not if they moved a second time.)

Drop-Out Withdrawal Codes:

71 – Withdrew Due to Truancy/Nonattendance

72 – Pursued Employment/Work Permit

73 – Over 18 Years of Age

74 – Moved, Unable to Locate

75 – Student Completed Course Requirements

79 – No Longer Eligible to be Enrolled in District


The CCSDAS will not allow you to create a new form when correcting a withdrawal.  Re-submit a modification to the original form. 

  1. Once logged into CCSDAS, click on Student Information.

  2. Click Withdraw.

  3. Click Review.

  4. Type:  Click in the field and select All.

  5. Status: Select All.

  6. School: Select the applicable school.

  7. Click Find.

  8. It is optional to enter the student number in the Search field.

  9. The student will display in the Search results.  Click the ID number to open the form.

Correct the Withdraw Reason and Withdraw to IRN as applicable.

  • Upload supporting documentation as applicable.

  • Requester Comments can be added as needed. 

  • Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. 


If the student was withdrawn by Central Enrollment due to missing custody documents or IOE, please send the record request to Custodydocs@columbus.k12.oh.us (withdrawn due to missing custody docs) or schoolchoice@columbus.k12.oh.us (withdrawn due to not completing application for IOE) so the code can be updated.


End of Year Withdrawals

If you receive a records request for the 23-24 School Year, prior to July 1, 2023, use a withdrawal date of June 2, 2023.
Summer Withdrawals

The summer withdraw end date for 22/23 is July 1, 2023. Use the Summer Withdrawal Flow Chart to trouble shoot common withdraw situations.


(4) Attendance

All attendance data for 2022-2023 must be entered in to Infinite Campus prior to generating report cards. It is no longer necessary to print the Attendance Summary Report to be included with the students signed report card.  Parents can access attendance information through the portal.  If they do not have access, please provide them with the GUID and instruction letter to set up their account.  If a parent requests the report, you can provide it to them.  Use the following path to generate the report: Index>Attendance>Reports>Attendance Summary.  

For the 2022-2023 School Year End; Do Not place a copy in the student’s cumulative folder. The electronic version in Infinite Campus is acceptable

Attendance files should be properly stored using the guide below.

Storing of attendance records: 

  • Recommendation would be to use Friends MFG #: PGC450 with Avery label: Friends #: AVE8126 for these records

  • Student attendance documentation must be uploaded to the individual students attendance repository. If all notes are not uploaded, the ones that are not uploaded must be filed in a box alphabetically by student. Attendance documentation received after storage must be placed in the appropriate folder. The set of files will contain attendance information for individual students:

  • Daily attendance folders must be filed chronologically by date and remain in their individually labeled folders. These files will contain the following documents:

    • Student Late Arrival Logs for the day

    • Student Release Logs for the day

    • Route Lists of Late Buses for the day

    • Field trip Attendance (if applicable)

    • Teacher Paper Attendance Rosters that are entered for the day

    • All Attendance Reports for the day (Daily Caller Report and Summary Report)

    • VCAP/APEX Sign In/Out Logs (for High Schools)

All attendance files stay at the school building where the attendance occurred and must not be transferred with cumulative folders when a student moves.


(5) Behavior


All behavior events must be entered into Infinite Campus prior to generating report cards and student Attendance Summary Reports. All due process discipline letters (Due Process Hearing (student removal), Due Process Hearing (non-removal), Out of School Suspension, and Expulsion) must be generated on school letterhead, signed by the Administrator and uploaded to the student’s document tab. When uploading due process letters, the upload date should be the incident date, and make sure to select the upload type of "Due Process Letters".  No due process letters are filed in the cumulative folder. Generating the Behavior Resolution Report helps identify students who should have a due process letter uploaded. Use the following path to generate the report: Index>Behavior>Reports>Resolution

Office referral forms, PEAK forms/letters and any other supporting behavior documentation will be kept on file in the building where the incident happened for two years. The record retention policy states "current school year", however it is best practice to keep them for two years. This best practice will ensure documentation is able to be located for behavior events that occur towards the end of the school, should there be a question about the incident.

For information on how to maintain behavior records refer to the document retention schedule located on the CCS Intranet.


(6) Academic Grades and Report Cards

The Department of Student Services of Information Management has approved and published the Mark Entry Calendar which identifies due dates for entering academic grades for report cards.  Please note, for this current year, report cards are not required to be mailed out.  Instead, it will be encouraged that parents access their students' grades through the parent portal. However, if a parent requests a paper copy or your building administrator requests report cards to be printed you will need to print them.

Reminder: A copy of the report card and the student's attendance summary do not need to be filed in the cumulative folder.

(7) Census

Address Changes

For students to receive school mailings for next year, as well as have transportation routed properly, the address must be correct in Infinite Campus. If you are aware that a family has moved, please encourage them to update their address via the Annual Update in Parent Portal.

Household/Address Reports

Students who do not have a household and/or mailing address will not generate mailing labels and certain reports. Therefore, you must run the following reports:

  • Students without address and household

  • Student with no address

  • Students without a household

All three reports can be found by following this path: Index>Ad Hoc Reporting>Data Export>Secretaries (ES, MS or HS)>student Clean Up

For any students on these Clean Up reports, please contact the parents and ask them to complete an Annual Update to have this information corrected.

Please note while doing these clean ups, secretaries cannot change the following demographic information in Infinite Campus – name, gender, date of birth, race/ethnicity. If you have changes: Print the Student Summary Report, marking the changes that need to be made. Then, email the report along with the supporting documentation to Sue Pliska, Department of the Registrar, at Central Enrollment.

Mailing Labels

To generate mailing labels for this year's students you should be in the 22/23 school year, and in 23/24 for next year's students.


(8) Fees

All Fees created in Infinite Campus will automatically carry-over to the next school year.  Fee balances will also remain in Infinite Campus.  Make sure all fees for students have been assessed and where appropriate have the due date indicated. 


Pay Online with Credit/Debit Card

Student fee payments can be conveniently made online with a credit/debit card.

Log on to Columbus City Schools Parent Portal to view fees assessed to your student(s) name and pay online. If you don’t currently have access to the Parent Portal, please contact your student’s school and the administrator can provide the activation code. 

*Please note that when paying fees from a previous school year, you must select the corresponding school year from the drop down menu. 

Other Payment Methods Must Be Made At The Columbus Education Center

Beginning June 6, 2022, student fee payments will no longer be collected at Central Enrollment. Fees will now be collected at the following location:

Columbus Education Center – 3rd Floor Accounts Receivable Department, 270 East State Street, Columbus, OH 43215

Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The phone number to make payments over the phone has changed. The new number is 614-365-8144.

Payment forms accepted are Credit/Debit Card, Cash, Check, and Money Order. 

You may also mail a check or money order to the above address along with Student Name, Student ID#, School Name, and Type of Fee. Please make checks/money orders payable to: Columbus City Schools.

All questions can be sent to ar@columbus.k12.oh.us.

(9) Lockers


All current locker assignments need to be end dated by a designated person at the school.  After the school year ends, or when returning the next school year, the new locker assignments can be completed.

To mass end date locker assignments use the Locker Batch End Wizard. To access the wizard, follow this path: System Admin>Lockers>Locker Batch End Wizard

Locker combination rotations can be sequenced by one using the Combination Rotation Wizard

To mass assign lockers use the Locker Schedule Wizard

Only students with an active enrollment on the locker assignment start date will be assigned lockers.


(10) Schedules

All students must have a complete schedule for the 23-24 School Year by June 1, 2023.


(11) Graduates

The high school counselor will enter graduation information on the student graduation tab in Infinite Campus. The administrator or counselor will provide you with a list of students who will fall in one of the following categories:

·       Graduated: These students will have a diploma date on their graduation tab. Their enrollment will end during the year end transition process. Do not submit a withdrawal request for these students. 

·       Non-Grad - Retained: These students will not have a diploma date or a courses completed date entered on their graduation tab. These students will roll forward to 12th grade and have a 23-24 Enrollment at the same school of enrollment. Do not submit a withdrawal request for these students. 


(12) Records


The Student Records Handbook is on the Infinite Campus Dashboard and gives detailed information about the handling, maintenance, and digitization of records.  This manual provides information that will ensure that you are in compliance with District processes and procedures for Student Records.

Record Retention and Destruction

Per Legal Services, the shred ban has been lifted. It is imperative, however, that before shredding any documents or preparing documents for destruction that you review the Record Retention Schedule to assure that the materials have reached their retention maximum.  Warehousing has a specific Document Destruction Shred Label and Document Destruction Shredding Authorization Form that must be used for requesting services for large quantities of items to be destroyed.

Record Reports and Movement

To obtain a list of students from your school that will be entering a new school next school year run the School Year End - Leaving report by following this path: Index > Student Information > Reports > School Year End – Leaving. Make sure you are in the current school year (22/23) before running the report. This report will be used to identify which cumulative records will be transferred to another CCS building. This should be sorted by school and will be part of your documentation of which cum files are going to what school.  You should then fill out Cumulative Records Transfer form indicating the cum files that will go to a particular school.  This form is attached below.  Please make a copy and keep that with your records log (either electronically or hard copy).  

Individual records that are in interoffice mail envelopes can be placed in school mail for transport. (This would be appropriate if you only have a few files going to one school). If you have more that 10 records going to one building, you can either deliver them yourself or use delivery services. If you choose to utilize Delivery Services for transferring these records, you will need to submit a delivery services work request to have them picked up. You can access the DSWR using this path: Intranet>Departments>Delivery Services>Delivery services Work Request (DSWR). For school to school transfer, any “normal” type of box will do. A “normal” box is 18”x12”x12”, or something similar in dimension. Copier paper boxes would also fall into this category. The boxes should be sealed/taped shut to be fit for transport.

To obtain a list of students that will enter your school next school year run the School Year Start - Coming In report by following this path: Index>Student Information>Reports>School Year Start - Coming. Make sure you are in the next school year (23/24) before running the report. This report will be used to identify which cumulative records you should be receiving, the location they are coming from and their 23/24 grade status.

A student's CCS cumulative record should follow the student from school to school. If a student has enrolled at your school, and you have not received their cumulative record, you will want to request it from the previous CCS school using the Scribbles K-12 process. For students new to the District you will submit the Columbus City Schools new out of district Records Request to the previous school(s).

If a student is new to the district for the 23/24 school year, but previously attended another Columbus City School, request the records through Scribbles K-12 Transfer from the inactive files.

Inactive records should be prepared for digitization. Inactive cumulative folders should be filed by the student’s birth year, then alphabetical order. This filing method will make it easy to find the record should the student return to Columbus City Schools until they are sent for digitization. Inactive records that have not been sent for digitization are to stay at the building where the student last (physically) attended. Once your inactive files have been digitized they will be able for viewing on SCView.

Cumulative Records of Students Enrolling in Columbus Online Academy

The Cumulative Record for students enrolling in Columbus Online Academy should be sent to Columbus City Prep School for Boys for grades K-8 and Walnut Ridge for 9-12. Please mark clearly that they are for the Columbus Online Academy.

Records Maintenance

All cumulative folders should have the maintain items in this order label on the front and the digitization label on the back. These labels outline the order in which documents are to be maintained in the cumulative folders. If a document on this list is stored electronically in Infinite Campus you do not need to print and place it in the folder. This means you must make sure that the document is in Infinite Campus. Please do not assume it’s there – check!

Review Guidelines for Cumulative Folder Maintenance & Retention for more information.


ScribOrder, by Scribbles Software, is an online student records request and payment solution system that Columbus City Schools has been utilizing since January of 2017 to process alumni transcript/record requests. Detailed information can be found in the Student Records Handbook on the Infinite Campus Dashboard. Effective June 1, 2019, we began using the Scribble K-12 Request System for Transfer of student records.  

Scribbles K-12 Transfer

In an effort to provide an enhanced and more secure service for our transfer students, effective June 1, 2019, all record requests for our students must be made online using our new student record request system, Scribbles K-12 Transfer.  

Fax, phone calls, emails and U.S. mail will no longer be accepted.  If a paper request is received, respond to the request with the Scribbles K-12 Transfer account creation letter.   To create your Scribbles K-12 Transfer account, please visit https://transfer.scriborder.com/

Helpful Hints for Handling of Student Records

  1. Social Security Administration record requests can be processed as follows:

    1. If the request includes a questionnaire, it can be given to the teacher of record

    2. If the request is for IEP/ETR and they are a current student, you can print and forward a copy of the IEP/ETR

    3. If the request is for a former student, please forward the request via school mail to Hudson Distribution Center, ATTN: Division of Special Education

  2. SSN Redacted

    1. Social Security numbers should be redacted when found in a student file. If a SSN is found during the process of fulfilling a record request, the request must be fulfilled (do not alter documents). After the record request is fulfilled, redact the original document containing the SSN by placing a straight black line using a permanent black marker through the entire SSN.

  3. Encrypting emails

    1. All emails which include student information should be encrypted. To encrypt an email, simply type “encrypt” at the end of the subject

  4. Attendance notes must be kept in your building for one year if they have not been uploaded to Infinite Campus.

  5. Release of Students (See guideline)

  6. Cleaning out CUMS

    1. Cleaning out CUMS consistently is VERY important in order to send ONLY what should be sent to the person requesting the records. When subpoenas are received ALL records in a student’s file must be copied and sent no matter if there are duplicate copies in the record

Testing Labels

Per the Administrative Guidelines for Cumulative Folder Maintenance & Retention, District and State test results are no longer required to be kept in the cumulative folder.  If you receive the labels with test scores, verify that they are in Infinite Campus. The test labels can be sent to Testing and Program Evaluation at Kingswood to be destroyed. 

Family Reports are different than test labels. Family Reports must be sent home each year. If you have Family Reports from previous years that were not sent out and the student is enrolled in your building send it home. If the student is not at your building; contact Evaluation Services at Kingswood.

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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management