Scheduling Reports (New)

There are some scheduling reports that are helpful in ensuring that all students are scheduled into every period of every day, and to verify that they are in the correct sections.


  • New Enrollment Notification - Use this report to view all newly enrolled students at your building. Enter your search dates or leave date fields blank to search all students.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Student Information > Reports > New Enrollment Notification

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Student Information >Reports > New Enrollment Notification Report


  • Student Gap Scheduler – This report is the best tool to use when searching for students with an empty instructional hole (or gap) in their schedule. This report can be used throughout the school year and with a future date.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Scheduling & Courses > Load Schedules > Student Gap Scheduler

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Scheduling > Student Gap Scheduler


  • Students without Schedules - This report contains a list of students who don't have schedules. Please create the schedules for these students. Re-run the report to verify your updates. If there are no errors, the generated list will be blank.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Scheduling & Courses > Reports > Students without Schedules

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Scheduling > Reports > Students without Schedules


  • Double Scheduled in 1 Period - This report contains a list of students who are scheduled in more than one course during the same period. This is the best way to find students who are double scheduled that need to be corrected.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Scheduling > student SCH Double Scheduled in 1 Period Excluding Sports

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Scheduling > student SCH Double Scheduled in 1 Period


  • Students in 2 or More - This report will generate a list of students who are scheduled in two courses during the same period.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Scheduling > student SCH Students in 2 or more

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Scheduling > student SCH Students in 2 or more


  • Cross Enrolled Students - The Cross Enrolled Students Report will export a list of students that have secondary enrollments to another full day program such as Columbus Gifted Academy or Columbus Global Academy.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Demographics/Enrollment > student ENR - Cross Enrolled Students

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Demographics/Enrollment > student ENR - Cross Enrolled Students


  • Section Rosters - This report displays student rosters for each section for each teacher or course selected.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Scheduling & Courses > Reports > Section Rosters Report

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Scheduling > Reports > Section Rosters


  • Course Schedule Outside of Grade - This report contains a list of students who are scheduled courses outside of their enrollment grade level.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Scheduling > student Course schedule outside of grade

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Scheduling > student Course schedule outside of grade


  • Student Locator - This report displays the student's Last name, First name, Course Name, Section Period they are scheduled in.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Student Information > Reports > CCS Student Locator Schedule

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Student Information > Reports > CCS Student Locator Schedule


  • Master Schedule Report - This report lists detail information about each section in a schedule. The report lists roster counts by gender and special Ed, section placement, team, room, and teacher.

    • New Look Path: Main Menu > Scheduling & Courses > Reports > Master Schedule Report

    • Classic Look Path: Index > Scheduling > Reports > Master Schedule

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management