Viewing and Printing a Student Schedule

The Schedule tab allows users to view and print the student's scheduled courses in multiple formats. The student's schedule can be used to find where the student is during the day, to determine which courses the student should be taking in future years and to print the student's schedule. 


The schedule tab is located: Main Menu > Student Information > Schedule.  The school the student is currently enrolled at must be selected for schedule information to display.

You can view a schedule in either Calendar or Term View.  These options show at the bottom of the screen on the schedule tab. You can view and work on a schedule in full screen mode by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the screen.


Calendar View

This view shows the student's schedule by the current Day (standard view), the current Week, or by an Agenda view.  When you click on Calendar, you will see three different options at the top of the schedule:

  • Day View – This view displays the name of the Period, assigned Room Number, Course Name and Assigned Teacher and any recorded attendance for that period display. A red line going across the screen indicates the current time.

  • Week View – This view lists the student's courses for the selected week.

  • Agenda View – This view lists the student's courses in a planner type of view, with the date, time, and course.

Term View

The Term View displays the student's courses for a selected Term and each selected Period Schedule. Choose the Filter at the top of the schedule to select which terms and periods display.  Remove the selected terms by clicking which Term or Period Schedule to not show in the Schedule. Terms and Period Schedules without a green checkmark DO NOT display in the schedule. Click the Reset button to undo any removed terms or period schedules.

Filter Options

Users can filter what type of information displays on the Schedule screen. The schedule grid displays all terms and period schedules, both active and dropped courses, and any special days. The Filter on the Schedule screen can hide terms or days.  A message will display to remind users that not all items may be shown in the grid due to filter selections.

Remove selected terms by clicking the ‘x’ next to the name of the Term or Period. Terms and Period Schedules without a checkmark DO NOT display in the

If changes are made, a Reset button displays. Click this to return all filter options to the original display.

Term View Settings

There is one setting that can be turned on or off when viewing the student schedule in Term view. A short description of that setting displays when clicking the info icon in the Settings side panel. Changes automatically save (i.e., there's no need to click a save icon).

  • With the setting on, the course number and section for the currently placed course displays.

  • With the setting off, the course number and section for the currently placed course does not display, and only the name of the course displays.

Printing a Student’s Schedule

Print the student's schedule in any selected view by choosing the ‘Reports’ button at the bottom of the page.

However, students and their families can view a schedule in the Infinite Campus Student or Parent Portal.

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management