Scheduling Support

Scheduling Support

There are four main options for Infinite Campus users to obtain support:

  1. Infinite Campus Support TicketThis is the fastest and most efficient way to receive support. You can contact the Infinite Campus Support Team with questions or issues by submitting a support ticket including as much detail as possible. You can find the instructions for how to enter a support ticket on the Dashboard by clicking here.

  2. Infinite Campus Dashboard - The Infinite Campus Dashboard is our virtual knowledge base of instructions and information. It was created by Columbus City Schools specifically for our users. It includes instructions and guidelines on how to complete tasks specific to our District and is your primary resource for help. You can access the Infinite Campus Dashboard by clicking here.

  3. Campus Community – This is the knowledge center that was created by Infinite Campus. It shows instructions on how to use the core product. There are videos, written instructions and hands-on lab exercises to help users. To access Campus Community, log in to IC, click on the square of dots in the top right corner, and select Community. Refer to the images below for detailed instructions on how to access Campus Community.

  1. Student Data Specialists (SDS) - The Student Data Specialist is a source of support and guidance regarding student data and its interactions with Infinite Campus and associated support systems for various building staff. They visit the schools on a regular basis throughout the school year and can provide on-site training sessions and guidance on the reconciliation of errors identified through Certify and IC reports.

The SDS team represents schools based on their region assignments. All six regions in CCS are assigned a team of two SDS members.


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management