Generate a Cohort Report

Generate a Cohort Report

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services

Graduation - Generate a Cohort Report

Last Revision Date: November 12, 2019

Identifying a Student's Cohort Year

Path:  Index > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export >  Graduation > student Cohort Year 20**

In the Data Export section of Ad Hoc Reporting, expand the _Graduation section, then choose the desired student Cohort year as in the screenshot below


  • To export to a spreadsheet, select Delimited values (CSV), then click the Export button
  • Save the file to your computer when prompted

If there are students who are NOT in the correct cohort year, follow the instructions below to make the necessary corrections.

Path:  Index > Student Information > General > Graduation

  • Browse to the student's graduation tab
  • Update the Date First Entered the 9th Grade to the appropriate date
  • The NGA Cohort End Year and the NCLB Cohort End Year fields will update automatically with the correct year


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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management