Accessing Grade Book as a Guest

Guest access to a section's grade book allows administrators, counselors, teachers to have a READ-ONLY view of the grade book to assist teachers, review and enter grades and scores, and troubleshoot issues. Access to grade books is strictly read-only through this view.

There are two ways to access a section's grade book as a guest, through the teacher's Schedule tab or the Sections tab of the Courses tabset. You can also browse individual student information one course at a time.

By Teacher

PATH: Census > People > Schedule

New Look: Census > Staff > Teacher Schedule

Use the Schedule tab to access a grade book for a specific teacher. Click the blue Grade Book link to launch that section's grade book in another window.

If prompted to search for a name, make sure to search for the teacher name (last, first).

Accessing a Section's Grade Book through the Teacher's Schedule

By Course/Section

PATH: Scheduling > Courses > Section > Grade Book

New Look: Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Sections

Users with rights can also access a section's grade book from the list of a course's sections. Click the blue Grade Book link to launch that section's grade book in another window.