Grades Report

All Grades/Scores Mode

The All Grades/Scores mode looks for all posted scores for grading tasks and standards for the selected terms and teachers. In-progress grades are not included. 

When sorted by Course/Teacher, this report can be used as a progress check or grading overview to see how many teachers have posted grades for the selected terms. 

When sorted by Student, the report can be used as a simple report card to use during conferences or to check in with students on their standing in the course. 

Main Menu > Grading & Standards > Reports > Grades Report



Report Logic for All Grades/Scores

Any grade posted for a student's scheduled course sections for the selected terms are included in the report. Any course section that does not have posted grades is not included. 

Generate the Grades Report for All Grades/Scores

  1. Select the students to include on the report by selecting a Grade Level or an Ad hoc Filter.

  2. Select the appropriate Grading Terms to include on the Report.

  3. Select the desired Teachers to include on the report.

  4. Determine the Group By option for the report, if Term and Section Dates should be included, and if Page Breaks should be used.

  5. Select the Standard/Grading Tasks to include in the report. Mark the specific Grading Scores to return if using the By Grading Scores option.

  6. Choose the All Grades/Scores radio button to see a list of students who have grades/scores posted for the selected teachers and grading tasks or standards.

  7. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in PDF format.

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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management