Processing Late Bus Attendance

Processing Late Bus Attendance

Students arriving late to the building due to a late bus for Secondary (Middle and High) schools will use the Attendance Kiosk to sign in to the building.  They will select the option of ‘Late Bus’. However, if the kiosk is not available, students arriving late by bus to a secondary school will follow the procedure detailed below.

Students arriving on a late bus to an elementary school will follow the procedures listed below.

Secretaries for all schools will run a route sheet to confirm that the students arriving late on a bus are assigned to ride the bus, even if the student signed in using the kiosk. 

To document late bus students:

The students must be marked on the bus route sheet, not signed in on the Late Arrival log.  The route sheet must include the date and time of arrival for the bus, and clearly mark each student that came in on that route. If a student arrived by personal means of transportation, they must also be added to the route sheet.

When entering the information in Infinite Campus, the attendance code that will be used is LB (Late Bus).  A comment should also be added stating: CCS Trans Issue – (Put the route number and time of arrival)

A route sheet can be printed from Versatrans (CCS Transportation System) using the following instructions:

  1. Click on the Main Menu.

  2. Click on Links

    Trans link.png
  3. Select Transportation Info.

  4. Log in to Versatrans: All users have the same username and password.  This will allow the user to view information in the transportation system but will NOT allow the user to modify or update any information. The username and password will both be lowercase.

    1. Username: ccstrans

    2. Password: ccstrans

  5. Click on Reports

  6. Select Stop Locations Report

    Route Stop.png
  7. Select the Route.

  8. Select the Day.

  9. Select the School.

10.Click Generate Report

Students who arrive to school using other means of transportation are also coded LB if they were scheduled to ride the late bus. Add these students’ information to the late bus route sheet with the date and time of their arrival.

If an isolated report is made by a parent/guardian that a bus did not show up, or was late/early, this must be verified with transportation.  These late arrivals must be coded unexcused until it is verified that there was a bus issue. To verify a late or no-show bus with the Transportation Department, staff can call (614) 365-5074.  However, staff should only call this number after 10 a.m.  The earlier hours are dedicated to answering parent/family questions about transportation. Be sure to document in the PLP Contact Log the name and the time that you spoke with the representative.

  • If it is the District’s error, the absence may be coded as “Late Bus” (Excused code)

  • If the student missed the bus and it is not the District’s mistake, code the absence as “Unexcused.”

  • If a CCS bus is late or does not show up for the student, and the parent is not able to provide another means of transportation, the student’s absence can be excused for a full day of absence using the “LB” code. However, the secretary should verify with the Transportation Department that there was an issue.

Generally speaking, verify with transportation that the bus did not stop to pick up the student by calling transportation at 614-365-5074.

 Per the District’s FAQs regarding Columbus City Schools Weather and School Cancellations Processes:

Since parents and guardians are the legal representative for their child, it is their right to decide what is best for their child with respect to safety concerns. The option to keep a child home from school when the parent considers the weather conditions to be excessively dangerous is always at the parents’ discretion, and the school understands and respects the decision. However, if school is in session, the parent should notify the school that their child will be remaining at home on a “Parent Safety Determination (PSD),” however the student will be counted as absent for the day.

Therefore, on days of inclement weather when school is NOT canceled, please use the following guidelines:

  • The student may be coded “Parent Safety Determination (PSD)” if the parent/guardian provides a notification that the student was absent due to safety concerns and/or weather conditions.

  • If a bus arrives at the school late, use the bus route sheet located in Tyler Versatrans for checking students in as a late arrival, using the Late Bus (LB) code. Enter into the comments field “CCS Trans Issue;” along with the route number and time. Tardy slips shall be completed for the impacted students and provided to them to take to class.


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