Secretaries Role in the Attendance Process

Secretaries Role in the Attendance Process

Secretaries are responsible for a large portion of the data input for student attendance. In the following order, a secretary will:

Step 1: Confirm that attendance has been entered by all teachers daily through the Classroom Monitor.

  • Check each period for Secondary buildings.

  • Check at 9:30 a.m. for Elementary buildings.

Step 2: Enter attendance rosters into the Classroom Monitor. Attendance is manually entered for:

  • Daily substitute teachers.

  • Teachers without access to a computer.

  • All teachers when the student information system cannot be accessed.

  • File all paper rosters that are entered into the Daily Attendance folder for that day.

Step 3: Enter late arrivals using the Attendance Wizard. 

Step 4: Generate the Caller Report

After all attendance has been entered by the teachers and all late arrivals have been processed. 

  • Make phone calls to the homes of students who are absent for the day.

  • File the Caller Report in the physical Daily Attendance Folder.

Step 5: Enter and upload any attendance notes.

Step 6: Enter the early leaves using the Attendance Wizard.

Step 7: File or upload all attendance documents.


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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management