Using the Selection Editor

Using the Selection Editor


Index > Ad-Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer

  • Choose the Selection Editor and Student radio buttons then click Create


  • Name the Ad hoc you are creating with an descriptive name so you can find it later. 

  • Use the Quick Search tools to narrow down the list of students to choose from.

  • Find the student you need in the list.  You can narrow the list down by choosing the grade or by entering the student's name.

  • Click the student name, then click the → button to move to the Selected Students box

By default, the selection editor assumes you are looking for active students.  If you need a student who has withdrawn, set Active Today = No

  • Repeat the process for any additional students that you need in the filter

The list of students you see are the students in the school/year you have selected at the top of the screen.  If you need to filter on students at multiple schools, you will have to create multiple filters and save them separately.

  • Click Save when you have added all students




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