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Change to Ohio Revised Code - Withdrawing to pursue a GED

Recently we have had parent/guardians request to withdraw their student from Columbus City Schools in order to pursue a GED.  The most recent process requires the parent/guardian to complete and submit a withdrawal form indicating the student is/was pursuing a GED and that was sufficient to process a withdrawal.  Changes to ORC 3313.617, which went into effect on Tuesday, September 29, 2015, alters this process dramatically for students under 18 years of age.  Columbus City Schools will no longer be able to submit a withdrawal for a student, under the age of 18, pursuing a GED. Changes to this law require the following:

A student must have an attendance rate of 75 percent or greater the semester prior to applying to take a GED.  If their application is accepted by ODE, then the student must continue to remain enrolled in school with an attendance rate of at least 75 percent until they pass each section of the GED or turn 18.

In short, starting on Tuesday, September 29th, 2015, Columbus City schools will no longer be withdrawing students under the age of 18 for pursuing a GED and will only be able to process the withdrawal after they have earned the GED or reached 18 years of age.


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management