Elementary School (ES) Suspensions Grade PreK-3 Report

Elementary School (ES) Suspensions Grade PreK-3 Report

A key component of HB 318 is the reduction in out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, for
students in grades PreK-3. For a full description of the guidelines for the removal or suspension of a student in grades K-3, please visit the dashboard page Pre-K to 3rd Emergency Removal Remainder of School Day.

A report has been created to show active and withdrawn students in grades PreK-3 who have been suspended in the current school year. The report will show the reason for the suspension and the details of the event.

To run the report, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the Index Tab.

  2. Click on Ad Hoc Reporting.

  3. Click on Data Export.

  4. Under Saved Filter, expand the folder marked _Behavior.

  5. Select the report student BEH- ES Suspensions Grades K-3.

  6. Select a format to export the report.

  7. Click Export.

Index > Ad Hoc Reporting > Data Export > Behavior > student BEH - ES Suspensions Grades K-3



Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management