Behavior Letter Wizard Tool

Behavior Letter Wizard Tool

We are required to send a letter home each time a student is removed from the educational setting. A behavior letter must be provided to the student and/or parent/guardian within one school day of the discipline decision.

All behavior letters for Due Process Hearings (Non-Removal), Due Process Hearings (Removals), Out of School Suspensions, and Expulsions are required to be signed and uploaded to the student's Infinite Campus documents tab.

Before the letter can be generated, the Behavior Event and Resolution must be entered for the student. The letter will not generate or print if the following is not done:

  • The student must be marked as “Offender” or “Participant.”

  • The correct effective date or range must be entered.

  • Underneath the Event, the student must have at least one Resolution.

  • The student must have a Parent/Guardian marked on the relationship tab. 

  • The Parent/Guardian must be marked to receive mailing on the relationship tab. 

  • The household must have an active Primary Address.

To generate a letter:

  • Go to the Main Menu in Infinite Campus and select the Behavior Office.

  • Under the heading Behavior Communication, select the Behavior Letter Wizard.

  • In the Saved Letters window, click on the plus sign (+) to the left of the zt-Behavior Full folder.

  • Click on the name of the letter to be generated.

  • Next, select the following:

    • Effective Date - The Effective Date is the date of the Incident.  The letter will not print if you do not have the correct date. Users can also use a date range. A letter will generate for each student who has an incident date falling on that date, select the correct student and only print that page number.

    • Letter Format – Select Blank Form Letter if the letter is being printed on letterhead.

If a student receives transportation accommodation as part of their IEP and is suspended from bus ridership a copy of the bus suspension notification letter must be uploaded to the students’ documents tab.  

Behavior letters are required to be provided to the student/parent within one day of a discipline decision.



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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management