Behavior Referral Notifications for Staff

There are two ways that staff and behavior administrators can be notified of Behavior Referrals that have been electronically submitted.

Process Alert Notification

When a behavior referral is submitted, the staff member entering the referral will select a behavior administrator from the drop-down menu. All administrators that are marked as Behavior Admins will receive a notification in their Message Center when a behavior referral is submitted under their name.  To locate the Message Center, go to the Main Menu, select My Account, and underneath the Communication heading, select Message Center.


Email Notification

Behavior Admins also have the option to receive an email when a Behavior Referral is submitted.  To receive the email, you must "opt-in" by following the steps below:

  • Using the search function in Infinite Campus, use the All People search and type in your name.

  • In the search results, click on the result that has your Staff ID Number attached.

  • You should be taken to the Demographics screen. If you are not, click on Main Menu > Census > Demographics

  • Scroll down to the Personal Contact Information box.

  • Make sure your email address is correct.

  • Check the Behavior Messenger checkbox.


Any person who submits a referral (teachers, secretaries, counselors, etc.) can also opt in to see when a behavior referral has been acted upon.


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management