Summer School Section Rosters

Summer School Section Rosters

Summer School Coordinators and Administrators have access to print Section Rosters (Class Lists) in Campus Tools.

  • Section Rosters - This report displays student rosters for each section for each teacher or course selected.

  1. Navigate to the Section Roster Report:

    • PATH: Index>Scheduling>Reports>Section Rosters

  2. Set Term to “Summer” and Effective Date must be on or after 6/20/2023

  3. Select the Student Options you would like to include in the report. The student’s home phone and address will print on the report by default. To disable this, remove the checkmark from Household Phone and Address.

  4. Select the Teacher to include in the report. The default selection is All Teachers.

  5. Select the Courses to include in the report. The default selection is All Courses.

  6. Generate Report

A PDF of the class lists will be created.


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management