Summer School FAQ's

School TypeQuestionAnswer
 AllDo we need to complete the student absence notification form?

If the parent/guardian is calling in to report the absence you will use the student absence notification form.

AllDo we need to keep individual student attendance folders?

No. All documentation about individual students attendance will be uploaded to the student's repository tab in Infinite Campus. 

AllDo we need to keep daily folders?

No, but you will need to maintain, at a minimum, weekly folders. If you choose to keep daily folders that is ok.

For those of you at the training you will recall discussion that we may have to keep daily folders for summer school 16/17. Only weekly folders are necessary.

AllDo we have to change unknown absences to unexcused?

No, we are not "rolling" attendance for summer school.

Students will be present or absent (unknown). You will use your tardy logs as documentation for changing a students "A"bsent back "P"resent in the classroom monitor.

AllIf we have students that we definitely know won't be attending summer school, can we end date their attendance so they won't appear on the teacher's homeroom list?We cannot end date attendance/schedules for students who are not attending. If a parent/guardian indicates their student will not be attending summer school the parent/guardian must notify the summer school office of such request. The summer school office unenroll the student.  
AllAttendance phone callsIf a parent/guardian informs the summer school that the student will not attend summer school, the Summer School Coordinator should email the Summer School office to release the seat for that student. Information necessary to withdraw are: student name, student ID number, documentation in the PLP Contact Log.  
 AllWithdrawing a student Withdraws for summer school are not processed through the CCSDAS. Withdraws can only be done by contacting Extended Learning via email at with the student name, student ID number, and documented PLP Contact Log of the request by parent/guardian.  See above for the full withdraw process.  
AllWhy can't I see my summer school students schedules and information?

To see the summer school information you will need to be in the Summer School Calendar.  School = Summer School; Calendar = your summer school location.

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management