Mass Assign by Fee Name (Fee Wizard)

Mass Assign by Fee Name (Fee Wizard)

Create Fee Assignments (Fees Wizard)


Mode Selection:

  1. PATH: Fees > Fees Wizard

  2. Select the Create Fee Assignment Mode.

  3. Click the Next button.

Create New Fees:

  1. Enter a Due Date for the fee. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date. If there is not a due date, or the due date is unknown, leave this field blank.

  2. Select the Fee name

  3. If the student can be exempt from making a payment for this fee, mark the Exempt checkbox. The Exempt status is determined during the fee request process using the Fee Request Form.

  4. Select the Calendar. 

  5. Select the Students by Grade Level or an Ad Hoc Filter. 

  6. Enter any Comments related to this fee assignment. 

  7. Click the Preview button.

  8. A Fee Wizard Report displays in a new browser window, listing the students who will be assigned the selected fee. The Fees have Not been added until you:

  9. Return to the Fees Wizard tab and select Run Wizard to assign the fees.



Optional Fees

These fees are selected by the Parent in the Fees area of the Parent Portal. Do not apply Optional Fees using this Fees Wizard.

Instructions for making an Optional purchase can be found here => Making Online Payments - Fees/Fines



Fees will not be assigned to a student until the Run Wizard button is selected. The Fee Wizard Report will display in a new browser window. Once Run Wizard is selected, the fees have been assigned to the selected students.



A Fee Wizard log entry is also created and visible from the first page of the Fees Wizard. Assigned Fees are visible on each of the student's Fees tab.

Students Fees Tab

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management