Fee Refunds

Fee Refunds

This page will outline the process schools must use to initiate refunding a fee payments made through Infinite Campus only.  The fee being refunded will show as active on the parent portal until the entire refund process has been completed. Once completed, the fee will be voided and no longer appear on the parent portal. 

When a payee calls or comes to the the school requesting a refund the school will:

  1. Find student in Infinite Campus and verify the fee requested to be refunded is listed and marked as a "credit". 

  2. If the fee shows as being paid (credit), complete the Refund Request Form. To complete the form follow the steps below. 

  3. Once the form is complete, send it, AND all supporting documentation, to the proper person indicated on the form. 

Click here to access the Refund Request Form.

Steps for process the Refund Request Form: 

  1. Request Submitted by: This is the person asking for a refund.

  2. Method of Payment: The original method of payment for the fee requesting to be refunded. To find this information refer to the screen shot below and its directions.

    1. Click on the students fees tab.

    2. Click on the fee requesting to be refunded.

    3. Shows the original method payment. 


  3. Preferred Method of Refund: This is how funds can be returned to the requester. 

  4. Credit card refund request are sent to Resa Downs via email or interoffice mail and should include any supporting documentation.

  5. Check refund request are sent to Terry Baird via email or interoffice mail and should include any supporting documentation.

  6. Credit to another fee request are sent to Resa Downs via email or interoffice mail and should include any supporting documentation.

  7. The signature is required prior to submitting the refund request. The building administrator will determine who is considered eligible to approve refund request forms. 

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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management