*NEW* Elementary Report Card
The new, custom elementary report card is now ready for use. See below for some of the features. The links above will direct users on how to access and print.
Item | Description | |
1 | School Information | School Year, School Name, Address, Phone and Principal |
2 | Student Information | Name, Grade, ID, Homeroom Teacher |
3 | Attendance section | This is completely new for this report card. See detailed description below. |
4 | Subjects | Each course the student is taking has 1 or more subject areas that standards fall into, and they are grouped this way on the report card. |
5 | Grading Standards | Many standards were updated for this new report card by the committee and academic team. |
6 | Grades | Grades will appear in the column for each grading term according to the scale at right. |
7 | Grade Scale | Elementary Grade scale wording has been updated per the report card committee and applies to most standards. Exceptions are Reading Level and Academic & Social Behavior. |
8 | Reading Level | This applies only to the Reading Proficiency Standard |
9 | School Message | This message can be customized by the administrator at each school for each grading period, and will appear on all students' report cards. Instructions for updating found here. |
10 | Academic & Social Behavior | This course/subject name was changed from Work & Social behavior and the wording of most of the associated standards were updated as well. Note that there is no grade scale for these standards, just a yes/no indicator in the grade column. |
11 | Comments | Comments for each subject will appear in one box at the bottom of the report card. Comments are grouped by subject and indicate the term (Q1, Q2, etc.). Only comments for the current term will appear on the report card. |
Item | Description | |
1 | Scheduled Days | The number of school days in that quarter that the student should be in school based on when they enrolled. |
2 | Days Absent | Total number of days for the quarter that student has been marked absent. Late arrivals and early leaves count as time not in school, so these will often be shown with a decimal here. |
3 | % Present | This is a calculation based on scheduled days (SD) and days absent (DA). (SD - DA) / SD * 100 |
4 | Year To Date Totals | These represent the totals for the year as of the time the report card is run. |
5 | YTD % Present | This cell represents the % Present calculation shown above for the year so far. The cell is highlighted in green, yellow, or red based on the scale shown. |
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