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CCS Citrix Portal Connection

When accessing Certify score card and certain functions of Infinite Campus (i.e. uploading documents) from home you must have a secure connection to the Columbus City School network.  This connection is made using the Citrix CCS Portal.

When you use the Citrix Portal Application you will have access to your desktop and files saved to the CCS network.  To connect to the Citrix CCS Portal Use the web address below:

(Home) Out of the district = http://ccsportal.columbus.k12.oh.us

(Work) In the district = http://ccsportal.ccs.local

Kingswood Written Directions

1.  On the initial login from a machine to the portal, you may have the option to either install a plugin, or use the "Light Version" of the portal; the light version will work for most cases.
2.  Login with your credentials you use for district computer login; remember the username must be entered in the form of "ccs\user_name".
3.  Select the Desktop icon at the top of the screen. 
4.  Open Infinite Campus or Certify within the portal connection. 

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management