How To Access Certify

How To Access Certify

You must be added to receive a Daily Certification Scorecard.  If you are not currently receiving a daily email, please send a support ticket.

How do I log in?

Once you have begun receiving a Daily Certification Scorecard, click the hyperlink in the email to view scorecard and detailed results.

  1. You must be connected to the CCS Network. The link will not work from a remote connection.

  2. Use your Active Directory eMail Username ONLY. Do not enter “@columbus.k12.oh.us”

  3. Use your Active Directory password. Make sure to re-type the password if you have saved it in the browser.

The Certify Data Certification Scorecard must be accessed while connected to a CCS computer network. 

The link will open in a web browser, login using your Active Directory username and password. This is the same username and password that you would use to log into your computer, to email, or Infinite Campus.


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