Creating a Behavior Referral

The behavior referral tool in Infinite Campus allows staff to submit behavior incidents electronically via Infinite Campus.

The behavior referral requires the following fields:
Incident Details
• Participant/Event Details
• Participant Name
• Date and Time of the Event
• Notify field (Behavior Manager)
• Event Type

To enter a behavior referral in Infinite Campus:

  1. Verify the school the student attends is displayed at the top of the screen. (This process if only for CCS students, not charter or non-public schools.)

  2. Click on the Main Menu.

  3. Click the Behavior Office heading to expand its menu.

  4. Under the heading Behavior Management, click Behavior Referral.

  5. This will open the Behavior Referral screen, click the ‘New’ button at the top of the screen. You are now on the Incident Detail Information screen, which provides the general information about the behavior incident. Fields in red text indicated by an asterisk are required and must be entered before the record can be submitted.

  6. Do not change the Alignment – Defaults to Discipline.

  7. Enter the Date of Incident – Defaults to the current date.

  8. Enter the Time of Incident – Defaults to current time.

  9. Select from the Notify list- Select the behavior administrator that the referral will be sent to. You can select more than one administrator at a time by using the CTRL or Shift keys. The referral will not save if you do not select at least one administrator.

  10. Title – Leave this field blank, the system will populate the field with the event name when the record is saved.

  11. Select the Context – Indication of the setting, or time of day the incident took place.

  12. Enter the Context Description – Additional information about the context of the incident.

  13. Select a Location – Location the incident occurred. Helps schools identify areas that may need more supervision.

  14. Enter the Building IRN: Only enter information in this field if the incident occurred at a CCS school other than the school of enrollment.

  15. Enter Damages - Dollar amount of items to be replaced (if known) - seldom used.

  16. Enter the Incident Details – Objective and fact-based details of the incident. It is important that confidential student information is not inappropriately released by including it in this field.

Therefore, do not enter specific student names in the Incident Details box; the identity of the student is given in future steps. Use a placeholder such as Student A or Student B. Information entered here appears on behavior letters that go home to all students and their parent/guardians who were involved in the incident. Certify violation if details are not entered.

  1. Once you have reviewed your information for accuracy, click the Add Event/Participant button at the bottom of the screen.
    a. The Events and Participants screen describes the individual events within the incident and the participants in each event. A participant is required before the behavior incident can be submitted.

  2. Select an Event Type: See the Summary of Strategies and Consequences packet in the Student Success Guide located on the CCS web page for assistance selecting an event type.

  3. Select Custom Data Elements – check if this is repeated behavior for student or any previous interventions. If you do not know this information, please leave blank.

  4. Enter Participant(s) Details -Search for the participant you are entering (Student, School Employee, All People). You must type in the student number or at least two (2) characters of the first or last name. Review the search results and click on the student’s name. IF you select the wrong student, uncheck the check box next to their name to remove them.

  5. Select a Role - The way in which the individual participated in the event, as an Offender, a Participant, a Victim, or a Witness choose from selection (defaults to offender)

  6. Select an Injury – if injury has occurred.

  7. Enter an Injury Description – additional details about the injury.

  8. Medical Service Provided – check this box if the student received medical attention from the school nurse, staff member, or EMS.

  9. Details – This REQUIRED field provides an area for the referrer to add details, specific to the Participant.
    a. Each Details field should only reference the student listed as the Participant above.
    b. Do not enter any other student names in this field.
    c. Not recording event/participant details will result in a building Certify violation.
    d. This section is where you add SPECIFIC information regarding each student's role in the incident.

  10. Violence Directed At – Indicate if an act of violence was directed at another individual and specify the individual’s role in the building.

  11. Once all participants are entered, click “Save Draft”. You can add another participant by using the Event/Participant button again.

You will be returned to the Incident Detail Information screen. Look at the “Title” field. You are now able to see that the system has inserted a title.

  1. Submit the referral by clicking the ‘Submit, button at the top of the screen. Clicking Submit will submit the referral, and the incident will no longer be available in the referral tool. Once the referral is submitted, the administrator will be notified. However, if you need time to review the details of the referral, do not click SUBMIT. You will not be able to retrieve the referral once it has been submitted. Instead, click “Save Draft” to save your work and come back to review it later. The draft will be stored in the Incident Referral Editor. At any point while creating a referral, clicking Save Draft for the referral or Event/Participant editor will save the entered information in draft status. To reopen it, click on the name.


Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management