Ad Hoc Filter Designer for Selecting Students
PATH: Ad hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > Selection Wizard
In Infinite Campus, the Selection Editor is a tool that allows users to manually select students to include in a filter. It can be used to create filters for students who don't have anything in common, such as students on an athletic team or in a club.
To use the Selection Editor, users can:
Go to Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer
Click Create a new Filter using the Selection Editor
Click Student for the Filter Data Type
Click Create
Type a descriptive name for the filter
Select students by clicking their names and the right arrow between the boxes
Give the filter a meaningful name - You will need this name when printing reports using the filter. An optional Short Description can be added as well.
To edit a saved Selection Editor filter, users can:
Go to Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer
Click the filter to edit in the Saved Filters box
User created Selection Filters will organize to the top of the Saved Filters Box.
How to Use the Selection Filter in Reports
There are several Infinite Campus reports that allow Ad Hoc Filter - Selection Filters to create custom reports. The Report Card and Elementary Custom Report Card commonly use this feature.
In the example screen shot below, a Selection Filter, created by the user, called “IC - Chess Club Report Card Filter” is being used to generate the Elementary Custom Report card. These settings will generate a PDF of Report Cards that include only the Chess Club students saved in the unique selection filter.
The same “IC- Chess Club Report Card” filter can be used in other reports as well. The report for File Labels by DOB below using the same filter will generate a report of labels with the students saved in the unique selection filter.
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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management