Secretary’s/Counselor’s Role

Secretary’s/Counselor’s Role


1. Select Student Information

2. Expand Retention

3. Create

4. Review


Creating a Retention Request

  1. Requestor – Your name should automatically populate.

  2. Supervisor/Principal’s Name.

  3. Student Number – Must be typed in and selected from the list that automatically populates as you are inputting the student number.

  4. Click Submit


PLEASE NOTE: Once one student is added the screen changes.

  1. Select the reason for the retention from the drop down menu.

    1. High School Retention Reasons

    2. Elementary & Middle School Retention Reasons

  2. Make any necessary comments.

  3. Add additional students by entering the student number and selecting the student from the list that automatically populates as you are inputting the student number.

  4. Attach appropriate supporting documentation for each student (REQUIRED FIELD)

    1. High Schools

      1. Insufficient Credits to Matriculate (9-12) – Copy of CCS Transcript

      2. Other – Appropriate documentation to support the retention

    2. Elementary & Middle Schools

      1. Best Interest of Student – Signed statement from the building principal

      2. Other - Appropriate documentation to support the retention

      3. Parental Request – Signed request from the parents/guardians

      4. Social/Emotional – Signed statement from the building principal

      5. Truant > 10% of required attendance days and failed 2 or more core content areas – Attendance Summary Report

  5. Can remove student from list if added by mistake.

  6. Submit when complete.


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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management