Enrollment Records ODE Compliance Quick Guide

Enrollment Records ODE Compliance Quick Guide

Due to changes in the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) rules, there will be occasions when a new enrollment record will be created for a student.  The most common instances include, but are not limited to, the student becoming homeless, moving into a foster family, obtaining an IEP, advancing a grade or grade demotion, etc.  DO NOT END DATE OR EDIT THESE ENROLLMENTS.  

The original student enrollment will be End Dated the day before the new enrollment.  The enrollments will NOT affect the student’s attendance, grades, or schedule.

Below please find an example of how a student’s enrollments will appear on the Enrollment tab.  In this example, the student is not homeless at the beginning of the school year, and on September 26, 2012 he/she becomes homeless.  The Project Connect office creates a new enrollment for the student in the same school he/she is attending with a Start Date 09/26/2012.  Project Connect updates the Homeless Status field in the newly created enrollment record to the appropriate value. The previous enrollment record will End Date the day before the Start Date of the new enrollment record (in this example the End Date will be 09/25/2012. 

Enrollment record before the change:

Enrollment record after a new enrollment is created: 

Reminder: the attendance, grades, behavior, and schedule for the student being end dated and re-enrolled are not disturbed.

Fields that most frequently require creation of a new enrollment record are:

 Disadvantage Status (changes will be made by POS/IT).

 Legal District of Residence (changes will be made by Pupil Services, Special Ed Office).

 LEP Status (changes will be made by the ESL Office)

 Grade Level (changes to be made by the current school) o Note:  A new enrollment record needs to be created at the school level for students who are being promoted or demoted a grade level during the school year.  See separate documentation re: TLC Changing a Student’s Grade Level.  If the grade level is just being corrected, do not create a new enrollment record. 

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