Send an Emergency Message

NOTE: Very few have access to send Emergency messages. If you do not see the Emergency Icon below, you do not have access to this tool.

To begin, browse to Index > Messenger > Messenger 2.0 and click the Emergency button as shown below.

Create new message options



Select the Delivery Mode: Inbox, Email, Voice, and/or Text. If the button is highlighted in blue, it has been selected:

Select a School Year (default is the current year).
Select Select Calendars.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the Emergency Messages, the default setting has ALL calendars selected. If you do not wish to send the message to ALL schools, click the button and de-select the schools you do not wish to send to.

Select a recipient group by clicking one or more of the Send To buttons. OPTIONAL: You may choose the Custom Selection button to refine your recipient list.




Click the Next button at the bottom to add message content.

Complete this section as if you were sending an email. A Message Subject, Reply To Email, and Message Body are required fields. The message body uses a rich text editor, and can support links to other sites, tables, text formatting and images. OPTIONAL: An attachment can be included by uploading a file in the Attach Content section.

If you chose the Voice option, choose the callerID (default is main district number). Next, choose the Voice Type.

  • Upload - Use this option to attach a pre-recorded .WAV file using the Select file box below, or you can click the Record WAV button to get a phone number and PIN to record your message over the phone.

  • Text-to-Speech - This option will convert the text in the email message body to speech using a computerized voice. If you chose NOT to send an email, an option will appear to enter the text you wish to have read.

If you opted to send a text message, type the body of the text message in the Text Message Body box:


You can use the Preview/Test section to test any of the message types.


Click the Next button to go to the Send screen

Choose Send Now or Schedule One-Time. If you Schedule, you will be prompted to enter a date and time to begin sending your message out.


Once all fields are updated, click Send.

Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management