Assign Lockers by Homeroom

Assign Lockers by Homeroom


 In order to use the Locker Schedule Wizard to assign lockers by homeroom, you need to do some setup work

Step 1: Verify that locker ranges are accurate

  • Need to make sure that locker locations reflect homerooms.

  • Create / Edit Locker Locations:    Path: System Administration > Resources > Resources > Locker Location Tab

  • To create a new location, click the New button.  Give the location a name, like "Room 100"

    • Repeat for all of your homerooms, giving them a unique name.

  • Next, switch to the Lockers tab

    • Click on an individual locker

    • Change the location to what you need it to be.  Repeat for each locker, assigning it to the correct homeroom.

  • When finished, you should be able to filter on a location and only see lockers in the range you entered.

Step 2: Create an Ad-Hoc Filter for each homeroom

  • Open AdHoc Filters   - Path: Ad-Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer

  • Create a new folder called Homerooms

  • Go to the group _ALL CCS Reports

  • Find the Lockers by Homeroom TEMPLATE filter, and create a copy

  • Select the copy, then click the Edit button

  • Rename the Filter to something that makes sense for you, like:  Homeroom 100A

  • Save to the new folder you created above

    • Select the folder name from the drop list

    • Click Save

  • With the Filter still open, click on Filter Parameters at the top of the screen

  • On the Filter Parameters screen, enter the homeroom period (for most schools this is a 1) and the room number (100A in this example) where indicated


Make sure to enter the room number exactly as it's listed in Campus.  Some have a leading zero (i.e. 0100A instead of 100A).

To get a list of your room numbers, run this report: Scheduling > Reports > Room Usage.

If you need a room number added or changed, go to System Administration > Resources > Resources > Rooms

  • After making the changes to the Filter Parameters, click the Save and Test button to see the results

    • You should see a list of students for the homeroom you queried for

  • After this report is complete, you should make a COPY for each of your homerooms

    • Go to Ad-Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer

    • Open the Homerooms folder

    • Click on the report you just created, then click the Copy button

    • Continue clicking the Copy button, once for each homeroom that you have.  Your list will look similar to this: 



    • Next, choose one of the copies, and repeat the process to rename, update the filter parameters, and test.

    • Continue until you have an Ad-Hoc for each homeroom

    • Your list should look something like this when finished

A note about Ad-Hoc Filters

Please note that the Ad-Hoc filters you are creating and saving are UNIQUE to your user account ... they cannot be shared with other users. It is recommended that whomever creates these filters be the person who assign lockers for the next school year. 

Use Locker Schedule Wizard to assign Lockers

Path:  System Administration > Lockers > Locker Schedule Wizard

  • Choose Locker Type (Academic in most cases)

  • Choose a filter from the drop list (no need to choose a grade if you use a filter)

  • Choose "No, assign students locker in the groups I choose" 

  • Select the correct locker group that corresponds with your filter.  In this example, we want "Gym"

  • Determine how you want students arranged in this set of lockers

  • Leave locker sort at Alpha (this is the default)

  • If you need to double assign lockers, you can do so by checking the box (this is not common)

  • Enter the start date for the assignment.  Default is today's date

  • Enter the end data for the locker assignment

    • Recommend using the last day of school

  • Click the Schedule Lockers button

  • When completed, a report will appear showing students that had their lockers assigned.

    • You may also see a list of students that did not receive locker assignments.  If this is the case, read through the troubleshooting steps to determine the reason.

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Department of Accountability & Other Support Services
Division of Information Management